Sweater Sweeps Into POM Leadership

 The Penguins of Madagascar recently found a new ‘Skipper’ in the shape of Sweater. Could the veteran leader Sweater be just what the agents need to make it through to the major leagues?

Designed by Master DS

Sweater, also known as Conor, joined armies in 2013 through Special Weapons And Tactics, eventually reaching the rank of Fourth in Command. He also dual enlisted in the Dark Warriors and rose to the rank of Fifth in Command. He went dormant with the shutdown of Club Penguin in 2017. However, with the revival of armies in the CPPS era, Sweater slowly made his return to the community. In March 2020, Sweater revived SWAT with Zuke, SCargo, and Jaylen. During this era, the army reached maxes of 70+ more or less consistently. In August 2020, Sweater revived Fire Warriors and worked there until they shut down in August 2021. He eventually returned to SWAT in 2022, as a Leader in-Training.

SWAT maxing 100+ under Sweaters’ co-leadership

Recently, he made appearances in armies like the People’s Imperial Confederation and SWAT. However, with his new rank in POM he finds himself once again in the leadership position. 

The Penguins Of Madagascar are an army that started smiling and waving in late January 2023. Logical and Rye Bread are the two leaders who created and led this army until the recent induction of Sweater as leader. POM went far from maintaining a low profile despite being a young army, already finding themselves involved in two wars with SWAT and the Magma Clan. While the war with SWAT ended in a truce with no clear result, the agents unfortunately lost the war to Magma Clan due to a breach of war terms. This came despite the agents winning the only CPAJ judged battle of the war. So far, they maintained their S/M status without any indication of crossing the line to major. 

POM in one of their battles versus SWAT

The Club Penguin Armies media team tracked down Sweater to find out his thoughts on his latest leadership position.

What made you decide to join the Penguins of Madagascar as leader?

Logical and Rye made me! Not with force, but because they’re great friends of mine and as soon as the opportunity arose to lead with them I had to take it. POM also has an awesome community that made me feel welcome even as I was in an enemy army.

What will your first act as leader be, and what should we expect to see coming from the Penguins of Madagascar?

My first act as leader was to force Rye to stream the Madagascar movie so I could watch it for the first time. Turns out, having seen the movie is not a requirement for joining POM.

Which past army experiences do you feel will help you in leading the Penguins of Madagascar?

Having led two armies of vastly different sizes – SWAT in 2020 and Fire Warriors in 2021 – there’s a few points I’d love to take into the leadership. Notably, fostering a feeling of community where all of us know one another and are friendly is essential – but not overly so to the point newer troops find it hard to fit in. On top of that, another lesson I learned is that to fight well in battles, there has to BE battles often, and so I’m hoping to up our battle game.

Where do you see the army in 3 months from now?

In three months time I’d love to have major status and have won a war – or at< least look like a favourite for Legends Cup.

It sounds like Sweater is plotting some huge things for the Penguins of Madagascar. Club Penguin Armies wishes the best to him and his army for their future in this community. What do you think we can expect from the Penguins of Madagascar?

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