CP REWRITTEN, United Media Headquarters – With March coming to an end, the army community witnessed four battles of quarter-finals taking place. With the stakes higher as the number of qualifying armies decreases, a total of 10 judges refereed the four battles. What did they think of the battles they had judged?
Similar to Round 1 of the March Madness tournament, the four Quarter-final Round battles took place over two days. The results can be found in this post – March Madness VII: Quarter Final Results. The first day saw a controversial battle between Ice Warriors and Water Vikings, followed by a battle between Rebel Penguin Federation and Army of Club Penguin. The battles on the second day were one-sided, as seen in the battle between Help Force and Secret Service, as well as the battle between Templars and Silver Empire.

Ice Warriors vs. Water Vikings | March Madness VII – Quarter-finals

Rebel Penguin Federation vs. Army of Club Penguin | March Madness VII – Quarter-finals

Help Force vs. Secret Service | March Madness VII – Quarter-finals
United Media had the opportunity to talk to Austin about the battle between Ice Warriors and Water Vikings, Wynn about the battle between Rebel Penguin Federation and Army of Club Penguin, Action about the battle between Help Force and Secret Service, and Sanya about the battle between Templars and Silver Empire.
What are your thoughts on the battle?
Austin: This was one of the hardest battles I’ve judged. Both armies were on an equal footing throughout the rooms and put up a really good fight. I was happy to see some creativity in this battle.
Wynn: The battle was obviously one-sided, nevertheless ACP put up a good fight and kept the spirit high. RPF’s performance was really a pleasure to observe.
Action: Well to be honest the battle was mostly one sided throughout. Help force held a consistent 10 to 15 size advantage throughout the battle and dominated. They also did a very good job of covering Secret Service, as many times throughout the battle it took me a few seconds to see the troops or figure out which form they were in. Secret service did have their moments, with covering help force in between and they put up a good effort despite the size difference. Overall it was an excellent battle, with a great fight from both sides. It was a pleasure to judge the battle.
Sanya: It was a very fun battle to watch and judge. The Silvers showed a very strong performance particularly in the form of speed, creativity, and good formations that often made them look bigger than they actually are. In the other hand the Templars were often using their size as an advantage particularly with their bombings and rakes which effectively covered the Silvers, I did notice that in the first room there were some AFK troops coming from TCP particularly around 7-10? but by the time the second and third room came the amount of AFK troops gradually lessened. Overall, My thoughts on this battle is that the Silvers were able to show excellence in speed, creativity and tactics. But due to the huge size advantage of The Templars they were able to counter whatever SE had and secure this Quarter Finals Victory.
Were there any particular moment(s) in the battle that you enjoyed?
Austin: Hmm, I’d say i enjoyed IW’s creative bombs.
Wynn: It was a good battle but rather steady, I don’t remember any particularly interesting moments
Action: There was a particular moment during the second room where a ss troop randomly dropped out of formation and started throwing snowballs everywhere for a very brief moment. They quickly got back into form but it was hilarious and I loved it
Sanya: The AppleBruh BWB that came from SE. That’s honestly one of my favorite discord emojis ever and I enjoyed that they made a BWB out of that 😂
What do you have to say about both armies’ tactics, formations, speed, and creativity?
Austin: Me and the other 2 judges who judged with me felt like WV relied on bwb’s a lot to cover IW. As for formations,, there were times where both armies had a lot of gaps in their formation and instances where the formation was just shabby and not perfect. Both armies had excellent speed. The judges commended IW’s creativity in the overtime room.
Wynn: I liked watching the beef in tactics between both armies
Action: Creativity was definitely there from both sides, with there being unique and funny tactics throughout the battle. In terms of speed I’d say Help Force were faster than secret service with there being big gaps between tactics sometimes. Formations wise secret service struggled quite a bit to find their footing, with there being moments where we weren’t able to make out their forms at all. Help force on the other hand, had excellent forms but they did repeat forms maybe once or twice. All in all though, both armies did very well
Sanya: The Silvers were way more creativity and had better speed time to time than TCP. TCP often relies on BWBs and emotes for their battles but there were times the judges were impressed by their ability to perform a wipe and be able to immediately go in a big formation that effectively completely covered SE. In terms of tactics and creativity I’d say SE did way better, but in formations and speed they were often similar and sometimes one would outshine the other and vice versa.
Which tactic or formation, in your opinion, stood out to you?
Austin: WV’s circle/surrounding in Room 3 i think was just dominant and perfect and IW’s circle/surrounding in overtime was just excellent.
Wynn: Nothing surprised me during the battle, both armies tried their best. RPF’s formations and tactics along with the size looked really great
Action: Overall honestly it felt like a standard battle with nothing really out of the ordinary. In the last room however, the help force did do a Z wipe followed by a reverse Z wipe and both wipes were executed very cleanly, that really caught my attention as it was an amazing Z wipe in my opinion
Sanya: Cause that was the most random comeback SE used against TCP that involves spaghetti 🍝
In your opinion, what did you feel could have been better during the battle?
Austin: Formations, definitely.
Wynn: I think everything went as expected. ACP’s size couldn’t be a challenge to one of the biggest armies currently
Action: Well as I mentioned before, secret service could definitely have done better in terms of formations, and maybe had a cleaner form. Also Perhaps used more big word bubbles to try and cover the help force. On the flip side, maybe help force could have used different formations instead of repeating.
Sanya: Less BWBs and more comebacks would have been better
Any final comments you would like to make to the two armies?
Austin: Honestly, It almost felt like it was the finals as the battle was intense and i could see both armies giving their 100% into it. I hope both armies learn from the battle to get better and i wish them the best.
Wynn: Good job to both armies, it was a pleasure to judge the battle, thank you for that. Congratulations RPF on advancing, your performance was a pleasure to watch
Action: It was an excellent battle fought by both armies, and it truly was a pleasure to judge. Good job to both armies for a battle well fought!
Sanya: Thanks for letting me, yvng and paddy (you’re yucky ew </3) judge your battles it was a pleasure <3
As the competition gets fiercer for the grand trophy, it seemed like most armies gave it their all to impress our judges last weekend during the quarter-finals. This makes us even more excited as armies go head-to-head in the upcoming semi-finals this weekend! On behalf of the United Media, we wish the armies taking part in the semi-final round all the best! And, may the odds be ever in their favour!