KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – On the second week of the new year, the People’s Imperial Confederation leader Cabin announced that he will be retiring later in January. What is the reason behind this retirement? What impact will it have on the Army?
On January 15th, People’s Imperial Confederation‘s Commander-in-Chief Cabin, announced that he will be retiring. In his website post, he mentioned that he will step down from his position as a leader of the army on January 29th. The People’s Imperial Confederation scheduled an event to celebrate with Cabin’s last day as a leader, which saw 22 penguins attending.

Cabin retiring announcement
Cabin joined the Club Penguin Army community in 2014. However, his activity was more visible in 2015 as he has enlisted in many armies. Among them were the Golden Troops, the Light Troops, the Night Rebels and the People’s Imperial Confederation and more. He earned a reputation of being one of the most active recruiters in many armies. Moreover, he participated in many battles and wars like the World War VII. As a leader of the People’s Imperial Confederation, he earned several medals, recently achieving Legend status. After the announcement of his retirement, the Confederates organized an event on January 30th to honor his contribution.

Cabin retirement event
CP Army Headquarters was able to reach out to Cabin and interview him about his thoughts on his retirement:
Why did you decide to retire?
I decided to retire from my Commander-in-Chief position within the People’s Imperial Confederation so I could invest more time into things such as my last year of high school and looking for a good job.
What are your thoughts on the kind of impact your retirement will have on the army?
I presume that my retirement will impact the army one way or another, but regardless, I wish the People’s Imperial Confederation the best without me.
Do you think you were able to execute all that you had planned for the army during your time?
I was able and unable to execute the things I had planned for the army. For example, I wanted to be both a strict leader and a caring leader, and I believe I was both during my service as a Commander within the army. Furthermore, hyping events was a top priority for me so I always made sure that we were hyping events as much as we possibly could before they took place. On the other hand, although I introduced a new method of recruiting to the staff team, I did not enforce recruiting as strongly as I should of.
What has been the best thing about being a leader?
The best thing about being a leader was being given the chance to leave a positive impact on my fellow comrades and the army as a whole. I led with honor and strength not only for myself but for the people.
Can you share your favorite memories of the army?
My favorite memory of the army would be being promoted to Commander-in-Chief. I was extremely excited and happy to be the army’s newest leader. My second favorite memory was VC leading our Summer Swag Parade in July 2021, in which we maxed 18.
Will you be coming back in the future, sometime?
Perhaps. We will just have to see.
We can say that Cabin enjoyed his time as a leader in the People’s Imperial Confederation. Moreover, his dedication and innovation even earned him the title of Legend. We can all wish him good luck for now, and hopefully we will see more of him in the future.