TUXEDO, Rebel Penguin Federation Capital – To kick off the year 2022, the Rebel Penguin Federation hosted their annual Winter Olympics. How did this play out?
The Rebel Penguin Federation have always been known to host Olympic Olympic games bi-annually. This started in the summer of 2017, when the Rebels hosted their first ever Olympics. The Rebels were divided into four teams, which then played and competed in various Club Penguin mini-games to earn points, with the team with the most points at the end was declared the winner. Since then, it became practice for Rebel Penguin Federation’s High Commands to hold Olympic events twice a year; one in the summer and another in the winter.
This year’s Winter Olympics was long-awaited for the Rebels. There had been several other bigger events in the Club Penguin Army community towards the end of 2021 such as the Christmas Chaos XI, that it had to be pushed back to January of 2022. Following it’s conclusion however, the Winter Olympics commenced; marking the start of one of the many highlights of the year for the Rebels.
Rebel Penguin Federation’s Winter Olympics revolved around the theme of Shrek. Having established their teams, the Rebels kicked off their Winter Olympics with an Opening Ceremony on January 9th, before going into 15 back-to-back minigame tournaments throughout the week. On January 15th, the Rebels concluded their Olympics week with a Closing Ceremony; where the four groups merged back into one united team and celebrated their week.

The Rebel Penguin Federation in their Closing Ceremony, clad in Shrek-themed outfits
The Club Penguin Army Network interviewed with Avril, an RPF High Command and Party Planning Committee Head, for their insight on this big event!
How did you come up with the theme of this year’s Winter Olympics?
I came up with the Shrek theme by looking at what clothes were available in the CPR catalog! Doing this instead of coming up with a theme and trying to aim uniforms towards it helped create theme ideas that I never would’ve thought of otherwise. I think looking at the green froggy hat and gingerbread costume was what got me thinking about Shrek since the the froggy hat looked like ogre ears, and Gingy’s one of the major supporting characters in the films.
How do you think your Winter Olympics went?
I think the Olympics went pretty well! More people attended than usual, and they had a lot of team spirit and friendly competition.
Would the army community continue seeing events like this from the RPF?
Definitely! We have the Olympics twice a year, and the Party Planning Committee creates party events like these every so often.
Thank you for your time! Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Of course! It was fun working on the Olympics, and see you until the next big project!
It’s always a refreshing thing to see armies hosting fun events for their members! It never hurts to have a little friendly competition within the community either. We’re looking forward to seeing the Rebel Penguin Federation keep their tradition going for the upcoming years!
What are YOUR thoughts? Are Club Penguin Olympics the new rage? Let us know what YOU think in our Discord server’s general chat!
CP Army Network Reporter