ZIPLINE, The Help Force Capital – Recently, the Help Force have experienced a generation change, as their four commanders Ayan, Elpiojo, Vedant and Nell have decided to retire from leadership. What was the reason behind their retirement? What impact will it have on the Help Force?
On the 28th November, Help Force creator and leader Ayan, made an announcement on the Help Force Website stating that the four commanders Elp, Vedant, Nell and himself will be retiring from their position as the leaders of the army. This was followed by an event on 4th December in honor of the Commanders retirement. The event concluded with Wynn being inducted as the new solo leader of the Help Force

The Quadrata’s Retirement Event on 4th December 2021.
The Help Force was created by Ayan in March 2018. Since then, it has been able to rise to great heights and cement a legacy as one of the most successful new generation armies. In 2019, they won the Summer Bash Tournament, against the Pirates of Club Penguin. They later on went to participate in tournaments such as the Legends Cup XI. 2020 saw their most recent tournament win, with the helpers winning the Aces Of Ausia tournament. Recently, they were involved in World War VIII, and are currently participating in Christmas Chaos XI.

One of the battles between Project Vengeance and Western Bloc
Ayan is certainly the protagonist of Help Force, having created it back in March 2018. Since then, he helped the army to constantly grow. In 2019 he helped the army to win their first tournament in the Summer Bash finals. After taking a break from armies, Ayan returned to Help Force at the end of 2019 and played an important part in the HF Exodus. He helped the army to regain its activeness after such a big change and was a key part in Help Force helping the army to regrow once again.
Elpiojo first joined the army in December 2018, ranking up quickly. He was later inducted into leadership in March 2019, where he led alongside Ayan and Spotty. He also founded the Hispanic community of Help Force and helped the army to achieve victory in the Summer Bash finals. Elp was present in the HF Exodus transition to CPR and returned to help the army. Since then, he assumed the role of Help Force Guardian, owning the Help Force discord server as well as leading.
Vedant is known for leading the Help Force to brilliant heights in CP Armies. He joined HF in April 2019, but his activeness increased several weeks later, allowing him to receive a staff position in a few months. Vedant took over the Commander position in May 2020. He has lead the army through multiple tournaments, including winning the Aces of AUSIA 2020 trophy.He has helped the army attain multiple #1 positions on the Top Tens, as well as achieving the army’s highest max of 121.
Nell joined the Help Force in January 2020, and was promoted to a staff position in the army in April. Nell later on reached High Command in August. At the start of 2021, she was promoted to leader-in-training, and later on inducted as leader. She also led the army during the Legend Cup XI tournament, and helped the army to reach the finals against the Rebel Penguin Federation.

Legends Cup XI Finals Against the Rebel Penguin Federation
CPAHQ had the opportunity to interview Vedant and Nell about their thoughts and opinions on their retirement:
Why did you decide to retire?
Vedant: With the start of offline classes after summer, I’ve had minimum time to continue as a leader. I felt that a change was required where the “more than just ready” high command are ready to take the mantle of Leaders.
Nell: My time in Help Force as Leader was by far one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. As I move forward in life though, so does my education. One big factor that led to my retirement was that I needed more time to focus on my studies.
What are your thoughts on the kind of impact your retirement will have on the army?
Vedant: If stamps are back, I bet my helpers would give up anything to attend my stupendous fabulous stamp segs
I’m not expecting to have any impact, just that any member can achieve great things if they set their goals straight and execute them.
Nell: I am sure that Help Force’s new leader is more than capable of handling the whole army organization and everyone is focusing on the CCXI tournament right now so I doubt that anyone is really focusing on my retirement right now. Aside from that, I haven’t left the server 😀 I’ll still be there, still active and you will always find me amongst the people there because they are the ones that mean the most to me.
Do you think you were able to execute all that you had planned for the army during your time?
Vedant: I’m pretty sure I exceeded my limits by a light year or so, So yeah I’m very happy with how the army was under my leadership
Nell: I’m happy and content with what I achieved during my time as Commander. I often wish I had done more though. Overall, I hope the Staff members never forget to be a true team <3
What has been the best thing about being a leader?
Nell: I have so many good memories, I can’t even begin to talk about them. The best thing that happened and the happiest moments I had were when I saw everyone coming together, sticking together as a family, cooperating and understanding each other. I always wanted them to care for each other because if that happens, they will only get stronger.