BEANIE, People’s Imperial Confederation – October 17, 2021 marks the 2 year anniversary of the People’s Imperial Confederation. What have they done in the past and what have they done to get to their current state?
The People’s Imperial Confederation was created on the 17th of October in 2019 by Sidie9. The army shut down after their war with the Army Of Club Penguin in November of 2019, but the army later returned in March of 2020. Since then the confederates had made numerous appearances in the Top Tens, and even participated in World War Rewritten on the side of the Rebel Penguin Federation and the Lime Green Army. Later on PIC closed their doors in August of 2020, remaining closed until January of this year when they announced their return to the community.
There have been many important moments in PIC’s third generation, such as their war with the Post-Malone Army/Golden Troops and facing the Army Of Club Penguin the Legends Cup, and then the Templars in the quarterfinals. They have had many victories in their wars, forging notable alliances with the Templars and Smart Penguins. The Confederation’s 2-year anniversary post can be found HERE.
We decided to interview PIC Creator Sidie9 to learn how she feels about the 2 year anniversary of PIC.
How do you feel that you have had an army for 2 years now?
I feel eternally grateful that so many people believed in the vision of the People’s Imperial Confederation and that the army has lasted for as long as it has. So many people have come and gone and forged new memories that will be cherished for a long time. I’m so proud of the Confederation and all those who have helped turn it into something truly special.
What is your favorite memory with pic?
Picking a favourite memory would be like picking a favourite child honestly. A few notable memories would have to be the original Challengers Cup in 2020 and Challengers Cup 2, the early months of 2021, and meeting all the amazing people who have done so much for PIC along the way.