ASCENT, Army of Club Penguin Empire – On the 29th of September, the Army of Club Penguin celebrated 15 years of activity within the army community. What is the army’s history, and what got them to this point?
The Army of Club Penguin was the first-ever army of Club Penguin and was formed by Oagalthorp, on the 29th of September, 2006. After the army’s initial shutdown, Mchappy and Chainpro revived the army on the 29th of September, 2019, since then the army has achieved the 1st position in the official weekly Top Ten Armies numerous times, and has even triumphed against Rebel Penguin Federation at the Holiday Championships Tournament in early January 2020. This year, at the end of August, the army witnessed a mass retirement, where a lot of exemplary and beloved leaders and higher command members stepped down from their positions, giving birth to a new generation of the army at the beginning of September, which is currently under the leadership of FatChicken.

One of the initial battles between ACP and RPF
On the 29th of September, in order to celebrate the army’s 15th anniversary – troops of the army logged online for an event, which was followed by a Fashion Contest. Around 33 people showed up to celebrate the army’s glorious occasion, commemorating this significant moment. On the occasion of the army completing 15 years, Max, one of the former leaders of the army wrote a post titled, “Fifteen Years of ACP: 15 Moments Across 15 Years” where he highlighted 15 important milestones of the army, and how it came to be one of the strongest armies to exist in the army community.

ACP celebrates their 15th Anniversary
To know more about the army, and its history, CP Army Headquarters reached out to FatChicken, the current leader of ACP for an interview.

What, according to you, has been an important milestone for the army in these 15 years?
There have been countless milestones in the army, ranging from our record-breaking 175+ max size in the original generation of ACP, to our record sizes of 100+ this generation. It’s difficult to choose one, but in the past year I would say reaching as far as we did in the March Madness tournament, and managing to defeat an army that had a winning streak (RPF) was a good recent milestone.
If you could name one thing about the army that you are proud of, what would it be?
I would say I’m proud of the family vibe we have, where anyone in the army – older members to newer – are ready to fight for what the army stands for. and feel safe and at home in ACP. Another thing I’m proud of are the things we stand for, justice and freedom (as our motto says) even in the face of adversity.
Could you share your favorite memory of the army with me?
My favorite moment with ACP is the Fright or Fight tournament. The sheer amount of hard work, dedication, and coordination I saw in the ACP staff team as a moderator back then, was amazing to me. Also seeing the result of everyone’s work was a great moment. The entire tournament will always stick with me as one of my favorites!
What has been the best part about leading this army?
Seeing people having fun and enjoying our events!
What are your future plans for the army, and where do you see the army going in a year’s time from now?
We have a bunch of plans for the future that can’t be revealed yet, but I do see ACP thriving amazingly in a years time.
Before we conclude- is there anything else you would like to say or any advice you would like to give to the readers in general?
To everyone in army staff teams or higher command teams: no matter the situation your army is in, remember that you can recover and rise again! #WRFT
As one of the oldest armies celebrates 15 years of their existence, it only instills hope and the spirit of continuing despite all hardships in the army community. We cannot wait to see what the future has in store for the Army of Club Penguin and wish them good luck in all their endeavors and ventures.
What do YOU think? How will the Army of Club Penguin continue to strive following their fifteen-year anniversary? What can we expect to see from the army in the future? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment down below, or in our discord server!
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The content on this page was last updated on January 5th, 2024 (1:37 pm)