KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters- With all the chaos happening of the war declaration from their former allies TCP, the Ice Warriors have decided to induct Dr.Queen into their leadership. What led to the decision? Read on to find out more down below!

Iceyfeet1234 inducting Dr.Queen as the newest leader.
Dr.Queen was recruited off of CPO (Club Penguin Online) at the beginning of May. Her first army was the Doritos of Club Penguin for a couple of weeks. She then moved onto Ice Warriors on May 26th of 2020. She quickly moved up the ranks, fast-forwarding to August 23rd, 2020, when she promoted to staff. On November 26th, she had been promoted to HCOM, and on January 10th of 2021, she was promoted to 2ic. April 5th, 2021 she had gained her promotion to Leader in training.
On September 6th, 2020, she had joined the Water Ninjas. and quite quickly was able to gain HCOM on October 4th. Soon after, on October 17th, 2020 the Water Ninjas had inducted her as leader. She had helped Ice Warrior’s colony keeping up impressive max and performances in which they were consistently making the TopTen, before sadly shutting down. To read more of Dr.Queen’s history before she had become a leader for Ice Warriors, click here
CP Army Headquarters was able to reach out to Dr.Queen, to give her thoughts about her promotion to leader in Ice Warriors.
I don’t know if DrQueen will be able to lead IW into a victory. I mean I am still friends with some of the IW troops.