UNKNOWN TERRITORY, Golden Troops Empire – On May 28th, TheMightyA suddenly announced his return to Golden Troops leadership. What led to his abrupt decision?
TheMightyA joined the army scenario in December 2019, after realizing that Club Penguin was running once again as a CPPS called Club Penguin Online. He enjoyed himself, playing the fun mini games after a long hiatus, and eventually stumbled across the Doritos of Club Penguin. Working very hard, he showed great dedication to the army, working up the ladder to the rank of Third in Command. More recently, he is also known for making a meme army called the Post Malone Army (abbreviated as PMA).

A recent PMA event
Eventually in April of last year, Mighty retired from the Doritos to revive the legendary Golden Troops army, alongside a few other Higher Command friends from the Doritos. He lead the army to great heights, and due to his achievements, he was nominated for the CPA Legend status in the CP Army League legends board of 2020.

Mighty announcing his return to leadership
His time in the Golden Troops didn’t last long, as almost four months later Mighty went off the grid, going so far as deleting his account. He eventually rejoined once more in September of the same year, before retiring, seemingly for the final time two months later. Nonetheless, his career goes beyond just the Golden Troops and Doritos, as he held high ranks in many notable armies, such as the Special Weapons and Tactics and the Water Vikings.
To learn more about his return, the CPA Headquarters reached out to Mighty for an interview:
What is your plan to make GT a major force?
Recruiting. Nonstop. With literally nothing to do all summer I’m gonna blast music in my ears and recruit till I knock out and sleep and do it all over again the next day. I think of it this way, if you recruit 5 people everyday and you mentor them correctly in a few weeks you’ll be a major army. You just gotta be dedicated enough to put in in the work and I’m gonna do that back at leader
How will your leadership be different from how it has been the last few times you led?
I’m pretty sure everyone knows due to life I’m known for going afk at the worst times, middle of events, conversations, whatever. Now I’ll have more time to do these things with school out the way of my life problems. That’s why I decided to come back immediately as summer began
What changes are you looking to make in the army?
Recruiting and mentoring will be main changes, I’ve always noticed how there’s 10000 member army discord but then they’ll max 25 on days. I want to have as many active people as possible, and I think we’ll be able to do that if we mentor hard enough. If you join the server you should have the time to show to at least one event ever lol
How will your return impact the foreign relations of the army?
When it comes to allies nothing will change, even when I was retired I was still great friends with rr and swat and talked in their servers when I felt like it. Wars and stuff fully depend on how we do, if we get big I may get cocky and go war hungry but we’ll just have to wait and see haha
It seems that Mighty is all fired up and back in action, ready to work as hard as needed to bring the Golden Troops up to major army status. His main priority is, as stated in his announcement and multiple times in this interview is to recruit and mentor new troops. To make new troops active and actively increase the sizes. We wish him luck in achieving his goals, and all future endeavors.
What do YOU think? Will he be able to accomplish his goals? Or will he fall short? Let us know in the comments down below!
CPA Headquarters Reporter