54x Resigns From PIC Following Allegations

The People’s Imperial Confederation have faced multiple changes in leadership recently, and lost another Commander this week. Let us explore 54x’s journey to leadership and what led to his resignation.

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The People’s Imperial Confederation have seen multiple promotions and retirements in recent months, a trend which has continued to this week. This month, Villa and Alucard became Commanders-in-Chief, while Saber quietly stepped down. Now, another leader has stepped down from their position, as 54x has decided to resign following allegations made against him.

54x entered armies five years ago after joining the Doritos of Club Penguin, earning the position of Third-in-Command. Since then, he made his mark on several armies, including the Redemption Force and Dark Warriors. That same year, he founded the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Club Penguin as well.

54x’s Final Event in Scars of Club Penguin

In September 2020, he became a part of the Roman‘s High Command, soon becoming leader. Though his stint in the Romans was short-lived, he moved on to join other armies such as the Underground Mafias Army, Templars, and the Legoman Army. In February 2022, he made the decision to retire until the revival of the Scars of Club Penguin in August 2024.

54x led Scars alongside its founder, Scars, until October 2024, when he chose to retire from the army. Despite this, he did not stay away from armies for long. In November 2024, SCP made the decision to merge into PIC, which brought 54x back into armies in the position of Commander-in-Chief. Since then, PIC has continued to be a consistent force among the Small/Medium armies. During 54x’s leadership, PIC have participated in multiple tournaments. They reached the Quarter Finals of Christmas Chaos XIV, came third in the Candy Crusher Brawl, and faced elimination in the recent March Madness X Qualifiers.

PIC face The Bastille Vanguard in March Madness X

54x’s resignation from the army was sudden, with him making a post on the Scars of Club Penguin website on March 18. In this post, he apologizes to the army community for allegations made against him. Consequently, he stepped down from leadership, stating that he had brought “nothing but shame” to PIC rather than upholding responsibilities expected of him. With this, it is uncertain whether we will see him return to leadership again.

54x announces his resignation from PIC. Click to enlarge

With PIC’s leadership team being reduced again, we will see whether this has an affect on the army. It is unclear whether anyone will be promoted in 54x’s place soon. Will 54x lead another army in the future? Are PIC going to promote a new Commander? What will we see the army do next?

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