Scars Merges Into The Refreshed People’s Imperial Confederation

In a shocking turn of events, the Scars of Club Penguin merged into the freshly rejuvenated People’s Imperial Confederation.  Come along as we dig deeper into the exact happenings leading to this surprise merge.

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scars back again

The Scars of Club Penguin made a shocking return on 11 August, under the leadership of 54x and Scars. The army was poised to be a contender in the S/M army scene, perhaps attempting to finally overcome the “meme army” status it had cultivated over its previous four generations. Only ten days after reopening, the Special Weapons and Tactics — one of their allies — declared war upon Scars. This war was short, due to SWAT only needing to capture a single piece of land from Scars. Immediately after the conflict, the Spartans then decided to declare war on Scars, notably another one of their allies. The war concluded eight days later with a score of 7-0-5 in favor of Scars.

Following this war, everything seemed relatively quiet for Scars. During this time, however, People’s Imperial Confederation and SCP formed a new alliance. After this, apart from a few occasional events, there was a relative silence within SCP. However, on October 10, 54x unfortunately stepped down from his leadership position in the army, after inducting Villa as Leader-in-Training. Meanwhile, PIC entered a hiatus due to their leadership having other commitments. Thankfully, this did not last, and they returned early this November.

Recent Scars of Club Penguin event


Late on November 1, PIC leader Sweater put out an announcement in the Confederation Discord server asking for new leaders to come aboard. Hours later on November 2, he further announced that 54x and Scars would be the two newest additions to the People’s Imperial Confederation leadership team, alongside current leader Saber.

Shortly after, the SCP founders announced in their Discord server that they would be merging into the Confederation. Although not a negative sentiment, some in the community may be shocked to see SCP go so quickly. However, we can rest assured that this new Confederate generation will produce great things.

Official merger announcement by Scars’ founders. Click to enlarge

Club Penguin Armies reached out to PIC leader, and SCP founder, 54x for an exclusive interview. Notably, his full address regarding this merge can be found here.

What caused the merge into the PIC?

The Scars of CP was hitting an all time low. After my retirement event in which we maxed 20, we were struggling to muster up support for subsequent events. It seemed that we had to cancel every event we planned due to a lack of troops. Sadly, the great meme that was becoming serious of the Scars of CP had run its course. Meanwhile, the PIC had been struggling for quite some time. With so many leaders stepping down due to various reasons, Saber needed some help in leadership and the PIC owners/advisors needed someone passionate to come in and help. This is where me and Scars came in. We were top candidates to take over PIC leadership because when we get serious, we are passionate and competent leaders. So, naturally, after finalizing everything with PIC and formally ascending Scars and I to PIC Commander in Chiefs, we decided to officially merge what was left of the SCP into PIC.

Of all armies, why specifically the PIC?

I get this one a lot from some people who have been surprised with my sudden involvement and leadership of PIC. Why PIC is an excellent question. I’ll tell you exactly why. Admittedly, as much as leading SCP was fun, I had a longing to once again step into the serious S/M leading scene. I had stepped down from SCP during midterms and returned to enlist in SS briefly while also advising SCP. But now that I have some more time on my hands, I really wanted to lead an actual army, not a meme. I have previous experience leading s/m armies, most notably the Romans. I really wanted a chance to prove myself in 2024 that I still have what it takes- the drive, passion, and skills to lead a legitimate s/m army. With PIC desperately looking for capable leaders, I instantly jumped at the opportunity to help a great S/M army that was struggling and attempting to make a comeback. I was honored for the opportunity to lead PIC alongside my great friend Scars and was so happy to be given a shot to once again establish 54x as a serious name in the CPA leading scene. PIC was founded with the very ideals of giving troops a chance to prove themselves. Now, PIC is giving me that amazing chance. The fit was perfect and I am so honored to be Commander-in-Chief.

What do you see on the horizon for this army?

I see big things on the horizon for PIC. First off, under me, Scars, and Saber’s leadership, this army will no longer lie dormant. We have awoken PIC from its slumber and we plan on being a formidable force in the S/M army scene. This new PIC leadership will continue to carry on the great legacy of this army and will start holding regular events and trainings again. I plan on keeping PIC alive for as long as I can and I will not stop at anything to help it thrive. PIC is back CPA. For the people.

What is the future of the SCP? Is another generation possible?

As for the SCP, as much as I love it and hold it near and dear to my heart, as of now I do not see another generation arising anytime soon. Perhaps one day in the future if there is someone passionate enough who wants to, for whatever reason, revive and lead the SCP, and they are given both mine and Scars’ full approval, then yes, there is a possiblity for a sixth generation. For now though, the server remains as a veteran and hangout server. All operations have ceased and we are fully focused on PIC’s longevity.


In conclusion, the merge of SCP and PIC is the result of a series of fortunate happenings. Additionally, we can all agree there will be great things coming for the Confederation. Unfortunately, Scars of CP is gone, but the army never stays closed for long. Through thick and thin, Scars is forever! Hence, we may soon have another generation bless the community. What do you think about this amalgamation? Will the Confederates rise to the top and reclaim their Major status, or will they enter yet another hiatus? 


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