The People’s Imperial Confederation has officially welcomed Villa as its newest Commander-in-Chief, marking a significant shift in the army’s leadership. After years of experience across multiple armies and a dedicated journey within PIC, Villa now steps into the highest rank, ready to lead the army into its next chapter.

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Villa’s Beginnings
Villa’s journey in armies began in December 2020, when they were recruited into the Underground Mafias Army through a friend, Lydia. Rising to 4ic, Villa remained in UMA until its closure before moving on to Doritos of Club Penguin in May 2021. There, they worked their way up to 5ic, staying until the army shut down. Shortly after, they joined the Water Vikings in July 2021. There, they progressed through the troop ranks and eventually became part of the staff team.
During their time in WV, Villa also led the Trojans of Club Penguin, an army founded by Ivy and rebranded from Skateboarders, in October 2021. Around November 2021, they briefly led Scars of Club Penguin before stepping away from armies entirely for nearly three years.

Villa at a recent PIC event
A New Chapter For Pic
Villa made his return in October 2024, rejoining Scars of Club Penguin after being invited to its server. Their return led them to the People’s Imperial Confederation, as Scars eventually merged into PIC. Initially joining as 2ic, Villa was promoted to Leader in Training in January 2025 before achieving the rank of Commander-in-Chief just days ago.
With Villa now at the helm, the People’s Imperial Confederation have ambitions to reach greater heights. His extensive army history and leadership experience will undoubtedly shape the future of PIC in the months to come. As PIC moves forward, we will see whether it will continue to be a dominant Small/Medium army.
Club Penguin Armies reached out to Villa for an exclusive interview with them regarding their recent promotion to Commander-In-Chief.
What motivated you to return to armies after your long absence, and how did that lead to your journey in PIC?
It’s a funny story actually, when I first retired from armies I told all of my close friends I wanted nothing to do with CPA anymore, so I cut contact with most of them with some exceptions, them including 54x and Scars. Around May 2024 Scars approached me with the intention of reviving Trojans, the army I led. I told him to f- off and went off on him ab how he’s a nerd and stuff lmao I was an asshole. After that he never texted me again until October 14th, 2024, where he forwarded me an invite to the Scars of CP discord server, telling me that I was a legend there and I should rejoin, not forcing me tho. I gladly accepted and that’s how I got back into the army scene. After that Scars and I were inseparable and started talking again daily and helping me get back into armies. He heavily influenced me to move to PIC after Scars of CP merged into them, so I said why not and I gotta say it’s one of the best choices I’ve made in my career, I really don’t regret it.
What are your main goals for the future of PIC?
Our main priority right now is building our community, not just spam CPAB events, but host more CPJs, fun events, and make people engage more with the server rather than having PIC be just another army. And of course, hopefully we get to see this generation of PIC reaching major status.
What has been the most memorable moment in your army career so far, and why?
It’s something a bit interesting actually, when I was leading Trojans alongside my friend Ivy back in November of 2021, we encountered a certain individual in the Celts of CP discord server, who at the time was a bit controversial figure due to bad fame, j. He was our friend though and a great leader, so we carefully fabricated a plan on how to get him to lead Trojans. We had a fake name for him and we had him pose as an old cpa vet who had just came back to armies LOL
The plan was called Operation Reacon, the name coming from the famous stunt Reacon performed in 2020, pretending to be a person he wasn’t
It seems now that PIC have big goals, and its leadership will focus on building their community up. Villa’s promotion marks not just a shift in leadership, but a new chapter for People’s Imperial Confederation, where experience and vision will play a vital role in shaping its future. What impact do you think Villa’s leadership will have on PIC? Will the army grow stronger with a new leader? What will we see PIC do next?