Overworked and Underpaid: Gabgeirl

In Overworked And Underpaid, we aim to interview designers, learn more about them, and have them share their journey and design advice. In this edition, we will sit down with Gabgeirl and get to know how/when they became a graphic designer.

Gabgeirl OaU

Designed by Cassie.

Gabgeirl, started her graphic designing journey when she was 14 years old and spent four years taking classes in school. When she joined Rebel Penguin Federation in 2021, she quickly became part of their graphics team. For Gabi, this was the first time that she had to make graphics for anything Club Penguin related. However, it allowed her to gain experience and grow as an artist.

When Club Penguin Armies was formed in 2022, she joined CPA’s graphics team, eager to help create amazing graphics. Her first thumbnail was for Mabel‘s induction as Viking Commander in the Water Vikings. But what has their journey been like thus far? What have their biggest challenges been?

Gabgeirl first thumbnail

Gabgeirl’s first thumbnail

A quick Chat with Gabgeirl

Club Penguin Armies approached Gabgeirl for a quick interview about their time as a designer.

What design that you have made do you like the most, and what is the one you like the least?

I think my favourite designs are between a ‘Melt the Ice’ gif I did for RPF hype in CCXI, or the background RPF has on CPAB. The melt the ice gif was because we were facing Ice Warriors in the final, which was also my first tournament. It was my first time really trying anything like it – both semi realistic ice and animation – but I think it came out really cool and clean overall and its always a piece of work I look back proudly on. As for the RPF CPAB background, I think it just came out quite fun. I was aiming for it to have the feel of a mascot background like you’d get in game, hence the writing being done like a signature. I also really love the smaller detail of having had a number of both current and former Rebel Commanders have their signature engraved on the trophy case.

As for my least favourite, it’s very hard to say. I’ve produced so much stuff I haven’t liked over the years, or stuff which in retrospect I’ve come to dislike. The stuff which comes to mind the most for me though is probably war thumbnails for CPA. This is mostly just because there’s not much space to be creative with what you’re making and after a while they all start to feel a little bit similar. The most recent example of this is the thumbnail I did for the DCP v ACP war.

In your opinion, what is the biggest struggle faced by other designers in this climate?

I think one of the main struggles faced by designers right now is largely a lack of understanding about what goes into creating art. This has especially been worsened by AI in my opinion. Whilst I’m a believer that everyone should be able to have a go at being creative, using AI relies on using artwork fed into an algorithm which has very often been stolen from the original creator. When people start ignoring people who have very often put years into their craft in favour of using AI because it’s quicker, it creates a big issue within the community.

What is the biggest challenge you have had with making graphics?

I’ve been practicing graphic design for about 8 and a half years now so I’ve had plenty of challenges through that time. The one which always comes back to haunt me though is rarely being able to actually reach the concept for a design I’ve had in my head. It’s fairly minor in the grand scheme of things, bit its frustrating to consistently not reach the standards you’ve set out for yourself. It does push you try to get better though which is always a good thing.

A Round Of Advice

To wrap this post, Club Penguin Armies asked Gabgeirl to give some advice for the new people who want to get into graphic design.

If anyone is looking to get into graphic design then I would suggest just going for it! Moving beyond canva is lots of fun and you can use free programmes online like Photopea, which is super similar to Photoshop, to get started. There’s so many online tutorials you can follow so you have nothing to lose by trying it out.

It was great to sit down with Gabgeirl for an interview and to learn more about their journey. They are one of the most talented designers the community has seen and continues to be an inspiration. It is always good to see new designers rise up in this community and that is what Gabi has done since joining the community. Thank you Gabgeirl for your time and your service to the Club Penguin Armies graphics team! What do you think inspired Gabi to become a graphic designer? Is there something you would love to see a design of in the future? Who would you like to see apply to the graphics team?





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