The People’s Imperial Confederation has just fought another war, this time against SWAT, after having just fought a war against the Dark Pirates. To comprehend PIC’s justifications for declaring war and their next course of action, let’s look at both armies.

Designed by Master DS
Scars, the present leader of the People’s Imperial Confederation decided to confront Dark Pirates. The Dark Pirates were a relatively new army and opened their doors on the 27th of December 2024 led by founding fathers Ninja Leader and Tide. The conflict ended on the 27th of January with PIC winning the fight and scoring 4-0-1.

A battle between PIC and DPC.
During World War IX, a terrific clash was fought between the coalitions Sapphire Concordat and the Blue Sunset Alliance, Both PIC and the Agents were on the same side. But after the tiring war, both of the parties had their ties severed. To illustrate PIC’s dominance in the army community, the clan declared war on SWAT to prove their worthiness. The declaration accused SWAT of slandering the army and recruiting questionable individuals. SWAT also claimed that PIC declared war out of envy. By restoring Sweater as a commander and designating Ggogle as a Third-in-Command, PIC fortified its ranks in the time that followed. People believed that their combined experience was essential to winning the war.

WWIX battle taking place.
With PIC getting out of a clash with DPC a week ago, they decided to wage a fight against Special Weapons and Tactics. On January 29, 2025, 2 new leaders took up leadership spots in SWAT. Holo2 and Subzero took up the places of the other SWAT leaders that were, Mark, Kyle104, Maguro. and Shazam but they all ended up leaving. Holo2 and Subzero’s goal is to make SWAT better than ever but it’s not on a good start with PIC declaring.

PIC’s declaration post.
Club Penguin Armies have reached out to Scars and Subzero on how they feel about this conflict.
Do you think you will win the war?
Subzero: We haven’t even confirmed if we will be participating in this so-called war, it’s pathetic for them to have to declare war on an army that hasn’t actually re-established itself yet. As of right now we aren’t even in the top 10 so I’m sure the community are just as confused as me lol.
Scars: Yeah, the war was declared for fun and purely for satirical purposes. None of us of thought Swat would attend, so we’ll see if they do.
How much do you think you will max?
Subzero: In terms of the possible sizes we could produce, I have confidence we will easily match theirs, again we are yet decided wither we will actually participate.
Scars: It depends really. We need to be on our best and put in the work. If we really try hard, I think we can get upward of 20.
How well do you think you can or will do?
Subzero: For them to declare on us in our current state, I assume we would do much better than them, AGAIN, yet to see if we bother with these clowns.
Scars: I think we’ll do pretty good considering that, again, it isn’t serious. if SWAT do end up showing however, it’ll be good for both sides and I hope we prevail.
The 2nd month of the year has started with a bang, adding more fuel to the fire. The future of both armies is uncertain specifically SWAT as they have not shown in their first battle. What do you think? Will SWAT achieve greatness or remain in the same position?
Billy Bawb
Reporter in Training