The War between allies Army of Club Penguin and Help Force has come to an end. But in a sudden turn of events, the Clovers immediately declared war on the notorious war army, Templars. What led up to this declaration, and what can we expect to happen in the upcoming weeks for both armies?
On January 16, the Clovers declared war on brother allies, Help Force, after a quick feud with the Doritos. The war between the two allies lasted less than a month, with the final battle on January 31. However, things would quickly change, as the Clovers seemed not to be catching a break with their declarations, and turned to declare on the Templars on February 5th.

ACP’s Official Declaration on Templars – 2/5/25
Although it wasn’t much of a shock to the community, the Clovers did state that the allied war with the Helpers was to help them practice, and as Roxy stated in an interview, they were waiting for a ”certain army” to take land.

Roxy’s interview answer during the war against HF
Could this have been a waiting game for the Clovers to attack the Templars, or did they have other plans to knock on another army’s door waiting for the right moment to attack? Club Penguin Armies sat with both Roxy and Echo to hear their input and responses to this war.
What was your initial reaction to the Clovers declaring war on your army?
Echo: My initial reaction was “lol” because ACP had been telling us that they were open to an alliance and we’ve been trying to keep ourselves neutral in events such as DCP vs ACP. However ACP proved once more they are backstabbers and solidified my doubts I had about them.
You guys don’t seem to be catching a break, why is that? Is it to prepare yourselves for more battles in the future, tournaments, etc.?
Roxy: Personally war is fun and the best way to improve tactically. It was obvious the HF war was just for fun, our staff had a lot of fun!! As for our current war, we are ready to prove our strength on the battlefield while also improving ourselves at the same time.
Did you and your other co-leaders feel as if war might’ve been approaching? And if so, did you suspect ACP in any way to declare on you?
Echo: Idk about my co leaders but I certainly expected it. I have many enemies and I also was thinking we had a lot of land.
You stated in a former interview that you were waiting for a ”certain army” to take land. Was this army the Templars you were all waiting on?
Roxy: No it wasn’t Templars we were waiting on, we are still waiting for the other army to get land🤭
How will the Templars prepare for this war?
Echo: Good question
Do you believe that the war with your allies helped your army out in preparation for this war?
Roxy: It was a fun war which helped us as well as our staff prepare.
Any words for your upcoming opponents before the first battle?
Echo: ACPs downfall has begun with this war
Roxy: May the best one win.
In conclusion, the Clovers don’t seem to be stopping just yet. Although the Templars were not their original target for war, they were still waiting for the ones they wanted to war with to get themselves onto the map. Could this war between the two be changing for both armies or will it end just as quickly as the last two feuds for the Clovers?