Exploring Leadership Styles: Army Board Meets 16Personalities

Every army has its own unique personality and vibe, much like the leaders who guide them. Today, Club Penguin Armies decided to have all Army Board representatives take the 16Personalities test to explore how their personalities align with their leadership styles. Let’s dive in and see what insights we can uncover.

Designed by Mare

Every individual possesses their own unique power. While our abilities may not be as visible as those of fictional characters, our true strength lies in embracing our authentic selves and identities. As we continue to grow, we discover aspects of ourselves that we appreciate and others we wish to improve. This journey of self-reflection and growth allows us to become better individuals and express our true selves more authentically.

Within armies, each individual brings their own unique personality. When these diverse backgrounds and traits come together, they shape the atmosphere of the army. The collective energy of these personalities ultimately forms the army’s aura.

As for those who lead armies, their personalities can influence how they run their armies. Some leaders may be shy and reserved, while others may be loud and extroverted. A leader’s personality can affect the way an army operates, shaping its environment, decision-making, and overall direction. Just as any group under leadership adapts to the traits of its leader, an army naturally evolves based on who is guiding it, influencing both its atmosphere and the actions taken.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Army Board members to explore their 16Personalities results, a quiz that provides insights into personality types, and delve deeper into the perspectives they gained from them.

Tell us what your results were?

Aisha, Doritos of Club Penguin Rep: ENFP-A (Campaigner)

Bestpenguin, Aliens Rep: INFP (Mediator)

Saber, People’s Imperial Confederation Rep: both ENTP (Debater) and ESFJ (Consul)

Thuanthaijo, Help Force Rep: INTP-T (Logician)

Roxy, Army of Club Penguin Rep: INFJ (Advocate)

Ryebread, Water Vikings Rep: INFP-T (Mediator)

Echo, Templars of Club Penguin Rep: INTJ-A (Architect)

Aucraia, The Bastille Vanguard Rep: INFP-T (Mediator)

What were your initial thoughts and reactions while taking the 16Personalities test?

Aisha: While taking the test, I realised I had completed one of these before, a few years back, but i just never understood what the letters meant nor did I care to be honest LOL.

Bestpenguin: Well i knew my personality type was INFP lol but it was fun doing it again.

Saber: I can’t say that I was surprised at all. Looking up the characters and people that share a personality with, most of them DO fit! Some of them are FAR off… like lucifer….?!?!?!? but whatever…

Thuanthaijo: I initially thought of Roxy when doing the test because she used to have ₊ roxy her. ☆infj ₊˚✧ Matching with Cheskaa in her about me. Most of the questions were pretty simple so I didn’t have many thoughts when answering them

Roxy: The questions were really detailed, and honestly I was curious to know about my results but also frustrated cos it took SO LONG.

Ryebread: I felt a lot of the questions were not directed towards my personality but rather my anxiety. I felt conflicted answering some questions because it depends on the context. Initial thoughts were “I hope I’m not INFP again”.

Echo: I felt like I had time to reflect and evaluate myself as a person. I thought more about myself and my characteristics more often when taking the test than I ever did in the past.

Aucraia: I have taken this test beforehand, but my thoughts and reactions today were basically the same as the first time I took it; It would be good to know myself.

Do you feel the test results accurately captured your personality traits? Why or why not?

Aisha: To be honest, when seeing the result and reading up on what it meant, I do feel like it has a huge accuracy in terms of how I view my personality. I’d say this is because of many things including the fact that I’ve always found myself to be very creative since I was a child, and I was always one of the outspoken people in my life. Many people who do know me well, do find me to be a very positive and enjoyable person to be around! I become the person of the people I would also want to be around, it just becomes that much more of a fun atmosphere. But, with that being said, I don’t think a test like this would be fully accurate for like every person on the planet.

Bestpenguin: Yeah the results were exactly how i am. Alot of my traits matched with infp personality type. I’m literally a healer and i care about people alot more than myself

Saber: I do the test every couple of months to see if they represent me or not and i’ll say that over the many years of me doing this, the results are mostly the same! The craziest thing I learned was that both of my results are most likely to go into a career in Business or Psychology, which are both the main courses I applied for when going to university!

Thuanthaijo: I feel like it mostly did. Some of the questions didn’t really apply to me and some of them I couldn’t really answer with a simple agree or disagree. I feel like the test oversimplifies personality traits a bit

Roxy: Yeah, I do feel the results are accurate. I really wanna make a difference and I usually don’t define my success with my status, rather helping others or being content with what I’m doing.

Ryebread: Yeah, definitely. The results said that I was introverted, likes to think more intuitively, is more driven by emotions, and adapt well to my surroundings, all of which I feel is true. However, I don’t like that these are my traits and aim to be more assertive, logical, and extroverted.

Echo: I do feel like the test relatively accurately captured my personality well. Although I’ve taken the test many times and it bounces between INTP and INTJ both personalities reflect who I am as a person reletively well. Although I do think INTJ is more me.

Aucraia: Yes. While I am very active and talkative online, offline I’m sort of a “stays in his room” guy. I was always like this!

How do you think the results reflect on or influence your -leadership style within the army community?

Aisha: With how I am, I feel like it can make certain tasks way easier and seem more fun to do, like talking to troops and keeping them engaged and active. I’m very easy to get along with, and that helps with creating many friendships and bonds within the community. This skill helps many members stay within the Doritos community and to give it a go and engage with one another and go on to making more friendships within the server, making Doritos the family it is.

Bestpenguin: I think my personality type is very prominent in my leadership. I built Aliens around the core values of being caring, filled with compassion and family sort of environment.

Saber: Honestly, yes! I don’t see myself as somebody who enjoys pressure or being strict, so I tend to have a more leaned-back approach. I don’t believe that being overly serious helps armies at all. It only leads in people’s feelings being hurt, and people being annoying like they already are. We should all take a moment and realise it’s a game. Take breaks, war whoever you want. It’s not real. Make friends. Get a job. Go outside.

Thuanthaijo: I think it reflects on how I second guess myself a lot. I double and triple check things to make sure everything is right. Over time I’ve been improving and doing this less, but I still do it quite a bit when announcing things

Roxy: I think my personality type heavily influences my leadership as I often try to do what seems right. I’m also reserved but really passionate about ACP. I’ve noticed that the medals, and achievements don’t really make me feel happy compared to when my army is genuinely happy and thriving, and growing in a positive light. I also find myself evaluating the impact of every decision I make!!

Ryebread: Being more emotionally driven, I think that my way of thinking as an army leader directly conflicts with other leaders ideologies. I constantly worry about “what if” scenarios, and maybe that’s just my anxiety talking, but I am always thinking about the future of our community, and what we can do to better it. to work on

Echo: The results for sure reflect on how I lead. I tend to have a plan for most things being losing allies, losing staff, losing leaders, or a sudden surge of troops or pretty much both common and complex problems that may arise when leading an army, but that is just one of many traits of INTJ that I was able to find that I did apply in my leadership style

Aucraia: I think that the definition of Mediator from 16Personalities (empathetic, imaginative, etc.) reflect on my leadership style, yes. I sometimes feel more as part of the TBV community than just a leader, and for CPA community itself, I feel as if I’m just good ol’ me.

Are there specific areas in your personality or leadership approach that you’d like to improve or develop further?

Aisha: To be that little more organised

Bestpenguin: There is always a scope of improvement, for me it is the communication part, i need to work on it and i need to express myself in a more authentic manner. Hopefully if i can communicate better, people would feel closer and more connected in the army<3. I love all my aliens:)

Saber: I’m love drama, but I’m not the best at dealing with conflict. I’m the type of person to just let somebody else yell at me, and I’m trying my best to stop that. It’s been hard, but I’m definitely trying! I definitely need to stand my ground more. Maybe I can also stop being a massive [REDACTED DUE TO CLUB PENGUIN ARMIES CENSORSHIP].

Thuanthaijo: I would like to become tastier

Roxy: I’m a perfectionist and I realize sometimes it impacts my surroundings. I feel I need to sometimes remind myself that making mistakes are okay, and there’s always room to correct them. I also struggle with procrastination although I have goals set for myself LOL so that’s definitely an aspect I need to work on.

Ryebread: Definitely being introverted has negatively impacted my leadership style, I find it hard to communicate with others, especially people that I don’t know. like I said before, I want to be more assertive and logical in my decisions as a leader, stop worrying about what could happen and just focus on the now before its too late.

Echo: I would like to be more emotional or empathic about others feelings. I have found myself time and time again putting logic over the feelings of others. One thing I have learned is that sometimes the right thing for the army is more empathy and a little less logic. Though this practice is one I struggle with a lot in both my real life relationships and of course leadership.

Aucraia: Rather not say much, but I am working on improving a lot on myself and my leadership approach!

As we can see, nearly every Army Board member had different outcomes, except for three who shared the same personality type. Recognizing your own personality and identifying areas you may want to improve or strengthen is important. It’s also interesting to see how each individual’s persona connects to and impacts their own army and leadership style. Thank you to all those who participated in taking the quiz! Have you ever taken the 16Personalities Quiz? What is your personality type?

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2 Responses

  1. Elsa February 3, 2025 (8:08 am)

    MareMare, Aucraia is no longer a leader of TBV, he retired. The new leader of TBV is now Vitorwin.

  2. aliens member February 4, 2025 (3:59 pm)

    BP is not a good person, he lashed out at many members and banned those who disagreed with him

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