Welcome to the third edition of Undercover Troop, where we secretly learn how armies operate behind the scenes and how staff respond to certain situations. In this edition, I attempted to join various armies while secretly dual-enlisted to see if they would let me in or not.

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Dual enlistment is a common problem for armies, and therefore, armies today are more hesitant to let people in without checking their background. In this edition, I went undercover as a troop enlisted in the Water Vikings.
Before going into this, I had a couple of criteria in mind to determine whether the army handled the situation perfectly: If they checked my background, made it clear dual-enlisting isn’t allowed, and gave a quick rundown on the steps to avoid it. Everyone’s measures differ from army to army, so I am mostly basing it on a moderate threshold.
The following findings have been documented carefully to avoid bias. The analysis and scoring of each scenario are based on my (the author’s) personal experience.
I joined the server with the following account, acting very clueless looking to meet the owner of the server to join the army. I contacted Caracal Cat, one of the leaders for the Templars hoping to be enlisted.
The interaction between Caracal and me went okay, and I was given a rundown of how ranks can be given to new troops as I was told they would be discussing that. However, it seemed it did not cross their mind to check my background and what army I was enlisted in. I was given a troop rank shortly after and due to that, the Templars received a score of 2/10.
Rebel Penguin Federation
I was already on the Rebel Penguin Federation‘s server on this account, marked as an ally. I contacted Ella, one of their second-in-command, with the intent of enlisting in the RPF.
Ella’s response was right to the point. I was instantly made aware that enlisting in multiple armies is not allowed unless I leave the current one. She also managed to search for the armies I was residing in and pinpoint the ranks I held in each to know if I was enlisted or not. The interaction felt very welcoming and insightful, and if for example, I were a clueless troop I would have understood very quickly. Due to this, the Rebel Penguin Federation scored 9.7/10.
Army of Club Penguin
The next target was the Army of Club Penguin. Similarly to the previous armies, I tried contacting someone to help me with joining the army. I approached their commander Roxy to see if they were able to let me through. I was also accompanied by staff/HCOM in the verification channel.
The interaction was more lengthy however I gave her a background check and was told to leave the armies I was enlisted in to join the Clovers. I was also told to contact the leaders of the said armies if I wanted to join to be transitioned properly. On top of that the willingness and awareness of the staff/HCOM that duo-enlisting is not allowed and the steps to avoid it. Therefore, the Clovers get a 9.4/10 score!
With the Aliens being known to pull a lot of Club Penguin Journey users, I had some expectations surrounding their knowledge of duo-enlisting. I contacted their stellar lieutenant FunkyKae looking for help to join the army.
In all honesty, I felt rather disappointed. Understand beforehand that staff might not be the greatest representative of an army. Sadly they were the highest on the member list at the time. Due to this, the Aliens get a 0.1/10.
The Bastille Vanguard
The last major army on the list was the Bastille Vanguard. For this one, I was mostly accompanied in the verification channel by Darth Potato and Aucraia.
I understood the slight language barrier that Darth Potato might have and so I will not be deducting points for the miscommunication. Nonetheless, the situation was handled pretty professionally by Aucraia who pinpointed the important details. I was also told not to enlist in the army if I am enlisted somewhere else. They also did not tell me to straight up leave the armies I was in whilst I was clueless. Due to this, the Bastile Vanguard score a 9.4/10.
People’s Imperial Confederation
Last but not least, the People’s Imperial Confederation. As usual, I contact one of the staff members or higher command about enlisting in the army. In this instance, I contacted Scars to walk me through that process.
Before messaging Scars I had a tough time communicating with anyone, mostly taking very long for a reply back. Due to that, I will be deducting points. Nonetheless, my interaction with Scars went pretty smoothly. I was told right off the bat if I was enlisted anywhere else, and was very patient with me in walking me through how enlistment works. I was given the proper steps to avoid dual enlistment and was notified armies have policies against it. Therefore, the Confederates score an 8.5/10.
In conclusion, it is very noticeable that armies are more aware and cautious about dual enlisting now. However, it still appears some armies are less strict on their enlistment policies. The idea it seems is that some leaders believe troops should be in any army they feel most comfortable in, regardless if it’s multiple at once. While it was a common issue years ago and was essentially the norm pre-2012, today’s CPA takes a lot of measures to avoid and counter it. See you in the next edition, where we will be seeing potentially much harder dilemmas. What do you think? Would you let someone in your army if they’re enlisted elsewhere?
Senior Reporter
Rude much, Ugly. Insulting your former allies like that and ranking them a 2/10. That’s just pathetic.