Overwatch is the worst game ever made. Today, I will see which CPA Departments best correspond with certain Overwatch Heroes.

Designed by Edu14463
Reporting Team
First up is arguably the largest Club Penguin Armies Department. Not only is it the largest, but it is also the most basic. Sure, when a reporter is talented, their work is exceptional. However, this is the role people apply for when they first join, as they think it is easy. Clearly, from the information provided, we can see that the Reporting Team is obviously Soldier 76
Community Committee
Potentially the most active Department, the Community Committee always have something going on. Always hard at work, but also remembering that this is all a bit of fun, and remembering to enjoy themselves. Keeping community morale up, and always trying their hardest, though sometimes throwing in a joke. These reasons lead me to classify the Community Committee as Lúcio.
Top Ten Committee
The hardest working, smartest Department. Easily. They have one job to do, and they do it well (apart from the times they don’t). They have a very short amount of time to present the community with a weekly recap of all army events. Their perseverance and hard work through tough times reminds me a lot of Reinhardt.
Graphics Department
The unsung heroes of CPAOrg. Providing high-quality, beautiful works of art for use in our news is their role, and they get little to no credit for it. Their continued dedication to keep the media department alive, whilst receiving very little credit reminds me of the support heroes who work tirelessly to keep their teammates alive in Overwatch. For this reason, I associate the Graphics Department with Ana.
YouTube Team
The YouTube team are always there. Always watching, always recording. They are rarely noticed, but their result is always seen. Considering how understaffed this Department is (seriously, go apply) they produce some extremely top-notch work. This sounds a lot to me like Wrecking Ball, better known as Hammond.
Moderating Team
This prestigious Department is all about keeping the Discord server safe. They handle catch rule breakers and handle them with swiftness. Whilst often they are found in CPA main chat, seemingly doing nothing, when the time comes, they adorn their superhero capes and save the community. Their unwavering dedication to protecting the city streets of Club Penguin reminds me quite a lot of the Overwatch hero Roadhog.
In conclusion, there are certainly some interesting links which can be made from different CPA Departments to Overwatch characters. But what do you think? Where have I gone wrong? Would you reclassify any of the Departments? Do you agree with me?
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