The Top Ten has been a long-standing tradition for years, always awaited eagerly by many. However, every Sunday those people seem to be impatient, complaining about when the post is going to be released. So, today, we will be answering the following question: what have been the latest Top Ten posts in the history of Club Penguin Armies?

Designed by Koloway with a touch of Shinzō
1. 5 May – 11 May 2024 ⟨18:51h⟩ [LINK]
2. 28 April – 4 May 2024 ⟨17:00h⟩ [LINK]
3. 8 October – 14 October 2023 ⟨16:05h⟩ [LINK]
4. 17 December – 23 December in 2023 ⟨15:19h⟩ [LINK]
5. 07 July – 13 July 2023 ⟨14:46h⟩ [LINK]
6. 19 May – 25 May 2024 ⟨14:44h⟩ [LINK]
7. 03 March – 09 March 2024 ⟨14:38h⟩ [LINK]
8. 23 June – 29 June 2024 ⟨14:31h⟩ [LINK]
9. 07 April – 13 April 2024 ⟨14:30h⟩ [LINK]
10T. 01 October – 07 October 2023 ⟨14:15h⟩ [LINK]
10T. 09 July – 15 July 2023 ⟨14:15h⟩ [LINK]
Click here for the Top Ten Statistics
- All times are calculated by the start of Sunday in Eastern Standard/Daylight Time, the standard timezone of CPA. The times you can see are the hours it took from the start of a Sunday to the publication of the specific weekly Top Ten Armies. Hence, for example, place 1 on the list was posted 18 hours and 51 minutes after the start of the day.
- The list features 6 Top Ten from 2024, 5 from 2023, and none from 2022.
- With a posting after 16 hours and 51 minutes into the day, the Top Ten Armies from 5 May – 11 May 2024 is exceptionally late. Such delays are a rare occurrence in the more than 2 years-long existence of the CPA Top Ten.
- 2 posts, with 14 hours and 15 minutes, were released at the same time on a Sunday and are hence sharing place 10.
The community’s reaction
We can observe it every Sunday: People are disappointed and complaining about when the Top Ten is going to be released. It is no doubt that people are looking forward to seeing how their army has placed each week. There is something exciting about seeing how much you have improved or which armies you have beaten. People naturally strive for competition and also for improvement, of which the weekly Top Ten offers both. Needless to say, it is a very anticipated weekly post.
However, there also often lies the issue. People are likely to state their disappointment over the Top Ten not being released yet. In summary, there are two sides to this: The Top Ten presents something people can look forward to every week. Especially army leaders and those very attached to their armies will find themselves excited to read the Top Ten. However, on the other hand, this excitement can lead to impatience and hence might put more pressure on the committee behind the Top Ten. After all, multiple factors play into this.
What are the reasons?

A weekly ping for every army leader
While this post is objectively also a satirical one, especially regarding the pointing out of the Top Ten post published at the latest time, we also want to inform you. Ultimately, a post released 18 hours and 51 minutes into the day, does not mean a delay of the same time. Generally, the committee aims to release the weekly Top Ten by 12 pm EST, which is also often the case. However, there will always be inconsistencies, which play many different components.
The most notable reason why some of the Top Ten posts may delayed undoubtedly includes the late submission of events by the army leaders. While an army may still have events late into the Saturday, many a week some army leaders submit their events long after the deadline. At the same time, we have to consider that the Top Ten Committee can only work as fast as army leaders will allow them to. Of course, however, this is not the only factor that plays into potential delays.
Club Penguin Armies reached out to Top Ten Committee Head Link3000 to find out more about those factors and to get a personal view from the committee itself
Why do you think have the times the Top Ten posts come out of certain inconsistencies and have sometimes come out as late as they did?
The main struggle we have with posts and why they can sometimes be released late, is due to events being submitted late. We would like for all events to be submitted at US hours, as we understand armies can have events at say….8pm EST, but sometimes we don’t get the events until Sunday morning or not at all and getting in touch with the responsible parties isn’t always successful. That can cause delays, especially if it’s armies that might place high or middle of the Top Ten and can make us re-arrange the whole thing. The other odd times, it can be due to availability. The posts are always double checked, but if someone isn’t able to double check it for a few hours that can also cause delays. Or an even more odd situation, verifying maxes can sometimes take a while due to whatever reason. Sometimes you have a perfect storm where everything I’ve just mentioned happens at once lol.
How is it for you as Top Ten Committee Head when you hear people complain about the delays every week? Do you understand them or do you maybe feel unappreciated?
To be honest it’s kind of a mix. I can understand where they’re coming from, especially if it’s AUSIA members/leaders that have to potentially wait an extra day to see the Top Ten if it’s that delayed. On the other hand, I wouldn’t say unappreciated, but there are a lot more things that go into Top Ten than simply “counting” penguins, that people might not be aware. It’s times like this when it can be frustrating, but overall I try not to let it bother me. I’m aware, sometimes I’m at fault for those delays and other times it’s completely out of my and my team’s hands so no point in dwelling on it.
Do you have any comments to make regarding the topic, towards those that may be reading this post?
I hope people enjoy reading the Top Tens as much as I enjoy making them, despite hiccups in the way. I am as unhappy when posts are delayed as other people can be. and I try my best to get the posts out as soon as we can, but sometimes things are out of my control. My only request is, if people are unhappy with anything in the post or with the times it’s been posted, to come to me directly instead of going to members of the team, as they might not be able to help or the issue might not be their fault.
The Top Ten posts may only sometimes be late and many people issue their disappointment over the fact on a weekly basis regardless. Though, when the posts are indeed late there are multiple factors playing into it. What about you? Do you read the Top Ten Armies every week? Did you enjoy this mix of satire and informative posts?
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