After being absent from the army community for three years, the Smart Penguins have returned. This comes as the army enters its seventh generation.
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Founded on September 19, 2013, Smart Penguins was a formidable Small/Medium army founded by Vivek and Dinesh. They originally had sizes of 5-10, but at their peak, they had up to 20 online. They had several memorable achievements, such as winning the Small Medium Army Centrals‘ Continental Cup, as well as the SMAC Summer Award for Biggest Rise, both events taking place in 2014. Smart Penguins also took part in several wars, with their first being in 2013 against the Ice Hounds.
The last generation of SP began on June 5, 2021, with an announcement from former leader Superhero123. This post stated that the next generation would begin on July 3, 2021, with df44 at the helm. After their opening event, which was hosted on June 26. The army participated in Legends Cup XI following which they declared war upon Golden Troops. The army also managed to place seventh in the top ten, as well as going on to participate in Challengers Cup II. Following their defeat by the Fire Warriors in round two of the Challengers Cup, they signed a peace treaty with GT, winning their war with a score of 6-0-3 [W-T-L].
Unfortunately, following these events, the army went into lockdown on August 20. On September 7, df44, Smart Penguins’ leader, made an announcement that many feared. He stated that the army would be closing, with a farewell event being hosted that same day, with a max of 14 penguins. df44 expressed his love for the community and his thanks for the support that he had received as army leader, in a post on the Smart Penguins site.
glasses back on
On January 1, 2025, Flypin1 registered the army with Club Penguin Armies with the event seemingly coming from a Club Penguin Army Battlegrounds staff party. Very little is known about the new generation of SP, other than its leadership of Zooy, Flypin1 and Superhero123. It seems the current leaders are hard at work ensuring the army will succeed. At this time there has been no official statement from the Smart Penguins discord server.
To find out more about the army’s return, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Zooy for an exclusive interview.
What has led to the revival of this historic army?
The intellectual urge of mankind to harness the powers of academia and science. For the power of the gods rests within the complexity of science. It brings our strength of a society to the heavens, yet it humbles us. Since the 2021 generation ended, we have subsequently longed for the revival of SP, until today. We are here to prove the vitality of IQ, and to strengthen our grasp on both the real and theoretical.
What do you see for the future of Smart Penguins?
We foresee a prosperous future where we may be a dominating force, not just with brute strength but with tactical brilliance. The Smart Penguins shall greatly differ from the pervasive pitiful army, it shall be a reigning power; a symbol of mind and innovation. We have already witnessed a multitude of troops from varying armies arriving to join SP, some even willing to leave their army behind. Although each revival of the past has led to the inevitable end of the generation, we strive not to last forever, but to make a lasting, pertinent impact on the world behind us through that limited time. The greatest minds of our world did not last forever, so why shall we? We are here to make change and enhance the community, not to become the new status quo.
How will the army adapt to the modern CPA environment?
Adaptability is if not the most fundamental trait to have, one of the most imperative priorities we are taking note of when building up our revival. We understand that we are an army founded in 2013, almost 12 years ago; but we also understand that we have a dedicated team capable of integrating the most recent strategies and attributes into SP, down to the most meticulous and seemingly impossible. Me, Flypin1, and Superhero123 will dedicate plenty of our time to studying the intricacies of army-leading and learning formulaic calculations to optimize our army’s success.
Any additional comments?
The importance of academics and intellect, the need to fear the IQ, is a message lost to our modern-day society, most notably in CPA where people often neglect school for the sake of CPA. We strive to provide a solution to that, and to once again show the importance of penguin brains; even in situations such as battling on an iceberg. SP SP SP.
In conclusion, it is clear this new generation of Smart Penguins has high expectations. But will they be met? How will these new leaders cope? Will the army achieve greatness, or fall short? We do not yet know, but we will certainly be anticipating what SP will get up to.
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