Memorable Moments With Kally

Kally is among the most well-known and revered figures in the Club Penguin Army community. In this rendition of Memorable Moments, we reflect upon Kally’s long career.

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Kally’s Beginnings

Initially joining armies in August 2018, Kally was recruited to the Pirates. Not long after joining Pirates, Kally dual-enlisted into Elite Trackers and Activities. Kally recalls being banned from the army, as the two were fierce enemies. After swearing to never attend for the Pirates again, Kally rejoined the ETA. On November 2, 2018, ETA closed, and Kally considered her army career to be over.

Kally returned to the community in 2020, through the Club Penguin Private Server, Club Penguin Online. Although she did not quite enjoy her time in Pirates or ETA, Kally found a new home in the CPPS era. She joined Doritos, feeling a sense of respect from the leaders, and earning constant promotions. On March 4, Kally was accepted into the DCP staff team. Unfortunately, her time in Doritos was cut short due to internal conflicts. Kally specifically mentions that Mustapha10 started a riot within the staff team, causing many to leave for DCP’s greatest foes, Ice Warriors. Despite this, Kally felt as if she could not betray her former home, and instead followed her friends Luci and Mythic to the Crimson Guardians.

After one day, Kally joined her other DCP defectors, hopping to IW. This is where Kally truly found her home. Kally describes the Summer of 2020 as one of her happiest periods in CPA. The only time she felt a setback was due to her not getting Leader-in-Training sooner, however, due to her hard work and perseverance, on September 11, 2020, Kally was promoted to LiT.

Kally attending a DCP event

Kally’s Prime

Kally was not only known for her warfare prowess but also as a proud Club Penguin Army Hub team member. Obtaining Reporter of the Month back to back in October and November 2020, Kally felt accomplished and was more motivated than ever. Following Orange‘s promotion to the CPAH administration team, Kally was promoted to Associate Producer.

Kally spent the majority of her army career in Ice Warriors. On April 13, 2021, IW leaders Orange and Flamez stepped down from their roles. Due to these departures, Iceyfeet1234 promoted Kally to leader on April 25 due to her hard work and dedication. Her other notable contribution to the IW community was leading the Water Ninjas, one of the most successful colonies of all time. She was inducted into the Ninjas’ Hall of Fame as a Legend, leading until January 2021, and their eventual closure.

Following a leadership period spanning 15 months, Kally stepped down from IW on August 13, 2022, citing school and real-life issues as the cause. Kally described leading the Warriors as a privilege. She was inducted into the IW Hall of Fame as a Legend, due to her securing Army of the Year in 2021, and winning March Madness in 2022. Due to her exceptional leadership and community efforts, Kally was also inducted as an Army Legend in 2022.

Kally’s induction ceremony


Club Penguin Armies reached out to Kally, to conduct an exclusive interview.

What accomplishment are you most proud of in your long career?

Winning March Madness VII in 2022 was my personal highlight. We were getting beat by RPF over and over again, always really close to winning, but rarely ever getting there. The semifinal against them was a crazy battle, but we prepared a lot, and everything worked out in the end. More tears were shed here than when I got legends, I can tell you that much.
It all wouldn’t have been possible without the Water Ninja team, consisting of DrQueen, IceQueen, Freedomist, and myself.

What do you regret most?

If anything, I regret investing so much time in club penguin, and missing out on real-life experiences. Sure, majority of my activity was during covid lockdowns, but there were times I stayed at home for battles, when I could’ve been out partying… That’s also why I don’t see my legend title as a super-positive thing, it’s just an indicator of me spending a lot of time (too much time?) online, playing a children’s game? lol.

If you could go back and change anything, would you?

I’m pretty okay with how everything went. I would just keep my mouth shut more, since I took part in too many unnecessary fights

Any additional comments?

I believe in Iceyfeet supremacy.


To conclude, it is clear that Kally has thoroughly enjoyed her long and undoubtedly interesting CPA career. But what do you think? Was her time well spent, or could she have been more productive? Was Kally a leader for the history books? We would love to know your thoughts.



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