Regan is an extraordinary Army Legend known for leading the Ice Warriors in 2020. In this edition, we explore his most memorable moments from the army community.
Regan‘s passage
Regan, also known as Oregan619, began his Club Penguin Army career in 2010 when he found the Ice Warriors and joined them. During his five years there, he worked his way up to Second in Command. He helped the Warriors win three Legends Cups, two of which were consecutive. During this time Regan also assisted the Warriors in several wars against the likes of the Light Troops, Pirates, and many more.
Before leaving the community in 2015, he joined the Water Vikings for six months, also earning the rank of Second in Command. In 2020, he rejoined the Ice Warriors, helping to set its record size of 165. Shortly after training, he became a leader and contributed to the group until retiring on December 22, 2020.
Throughout his career, he also participated in several other armies, including the Red Robbers and Alberto Warriors, but he remained loyal to the Ice Warriors. He particularly appreciated his favorite troop, Alberto, for his laid-back nature. Despite being in various armies, he enjoyed his time with the Ice Warriors the most.
In his five years in Ice Warriors, he helped them win Legends Cup II, Legends Cup III, and Legends Cup V. His other notable feats include forming meme armies with Madhav, such as the Alberto Warriors and Ice Doritos. In 2015 he also briefly joined the Water Vikings, earning the rank of Second in Command before leaving the community.
In April 2020, Regan rose to the rank of leader in IW. Regan helped the army transition to a new CPPS following the shutdown of Club Penguin Online. In that year, he achieved sizes of over 100 at various tournaments. He also played a significant role in the Black Ice Alliance, defeating the Doritos in war and continuing his war win streak. With his help, Ice Warriors also won March Madness in 2015 and 2021. After retiring, he achieved IW Legend and Mythic status. He was also the Runner-Up for Player of the Year in 2020 and ultimately became a CPA Legend in the same year. His favorite saying is “Brits Out,” which was stated by Da Best.
Regan also made significant contributions to the army community with his role as one of the first Head Judges. He helped create many rules and standards that are still followed to this day. Club Penguin Armies reached out to Regan, to learn more about his time in the army community.
What were your most memorable moments in CPA?
Regan: I have a lot of good memories in CPA. Our rivalry with DCP kept things interesting, as did our strong alliances, such as BIA, which we won by just one vote. I will always cherish the many meme armies that Madhav and I created, including AW, ID, DBA, and others. My last few months in CPA are some of my strongest memories, from tough tournament battles against RPF to my retirement event and achieving IW Mythic and CPA Legend. However, my favorite memory is probably getting to tell all the Brits to GTFO (Hello, Bolt)!
Did you enjoy your time in Ice Warriors?
Yeah it was hard to leave for anywhere else.
Who was your favorite Ice Warrior Troop?
100% Alberto! He was just a chill guy.
Do you have any other statements?
Brits out
Regan is a remarkable individual and will always be remembered for his friendliness and kindness to everyone around him. He made significant contributions to the Ice Warriors as well as the Army Community. What is your favorite memory of Regan? Should he return to the community once more?
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