The Special Weapons and Tactics have quickly reversed the recent changes in their leadership. We went straight to the source to find out the exact details behind the sudden retirement and removal of their two newest leaders.

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The past few days have been challenging for the leadership of the Special Weapons and Tactics. Following their recent merge with the Rebel Alliance Commando, the Agents were shocked by a surprise declaration of war from the Water Vikings.
With the army already juggling numerous challenges, SWAT Godfather Legoman released a pivotal announcement on the SWAT website just hours ago. In this post, he revealed that he and former Dark Vikings leader Krosive would be stepping in as SWAT first-in-commands. He also further mentioned a few additions to the army’s Higher Command ranks- including those coming from the RAC merge.
The post concluded with a ‘Call to Arms’, addressing all former Agents, urging them to return to their posts to help the army reach new heights. This series of positive changes signaled the beginning of a renewed era for the army. As a result, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope for the Agents amidst the ongoing war.

Excerpt from the announcement released by Legoman announcing the leadership additions. Click to enlarge
At first, the previous SWAT leadership seemed to be on board. Leader Fwapo initially demonstrated this by stating that they were “sorting the roles” of the newer members. Contrarily, another SWAT leader, Krill300, later announced that they would reverse the changes discussed in the post, shifting the situation.
With this very confusing series of events in mind, we decided to take a look at what happened. Initial research by Club Penguin Armies revealed that Legoman quickly departed from the army. This allegedly led to the removal of Krosive from his position as well.
We first contacted Krill for an account of events regarding the latest happenings.
Several hours ago, Legoman and Krosive were seen joining the leadership, against the will of other SWAT leaders. The SWAT leadership was strongly against having Krosive on the team, as we know his past and what he has done. We were also against it because he was banned from CPA Battleground. The advisor was desperate and was not accepting our verdict, yet he autonomously inducted Krosive. Legoman joined the team in conjunction with him.
Krosive’s presence was problematic, and none of our High Command members liked it. After much communication, Legoman decided to leave and give us the power to determine whether Krosive should remain or not. We took our chance and removed Krosive immediately.
Legoman desired to build SWAT strong, which is appreciated. However, he did not look at morale and behavioral conduct during these additions. Promotions were simply too lenient. Krosive was working to make SWAT less secular and more inclined to Christian subjects. We want to make SWAT an inclusive space without favoring or promoting any religion.
Moreover, we discussed the ongoing situation with Legoman and got a few of his comments about the topic
What exactly transpired for this sudden change of plans to happen?
Yeah I’m letting them do their thing. Flag still looks pretty dope though.
You say you’re “letting them do their own thing”; do you mean that they initially disagreed with you joining alongside Krosive?
Well it was a discussion for a bit Fwapo was very down – good kid that Fwapo – Krill was very against it and lowkey threw a little baby toddler hissy fit. However comma the next day [Krill] very oddly was like yeah this works for me just don’t promote the people who are already in SWAT for whatever reason. That was odd.
Today I woke up and Shazam was like bro krill is mad… so I said to do whatever the kids want I have to go Christmas Caroling and make 80 dollars an hour anyway bruh. Yeah tho they can do their thing if that involves improving and actually like recruiting and stuff that’s super fun if not I won’t lose any sleep over it. I gotta go work at a preschool now but have fun with this article.
Also it wasn’t just krosive he was merging an army so it was like 20 ppl but I guess we’ll see if any of them stay in SWAT after that man.
And also, put HOO RAH at the end that’s like my catchphrase people like that.
Confirming the widespread suspicions about internal turmoil, these two statements showed us that there was in fact dissent straight from the get-go. Notably, there is a dissimilarity between the two accounts of events. According to Legoman, Fwapo was on board at first, and Krill had originally shown dissatisfaction with the idea. Conversely, Krill claims that the entire SWAT Leadership was originally against the idea, but was forced into it by an “autonomous” decision.
After deliberation between the two sides, Legoman decided to step down and let the remainder of the SWAT leadership decide what to do. Ultimately, they opted to remove Krosive from his position.
We then finally reached out to Krosive himself for an exclusive statement concerning the coup.
We faced numerous issues, including our religious differences and their disapproval of the Christianization of SWAT. Additionally, they were dishonest about fully informing the team and having an open discussion about my removal. In fact, more than three members of HCOM were unaware of my removal until it was officially announced.
To the leaders of SWAT who may be reading this: Jesus loves you, and it’s never too late to come to Him.
This final statement brings new allegations to the table, with Krosive saying that this all stemmed from a religious disagreement. He further states that this removal was not brought up with the HCom team, and was done solely by the leadership
In conclusion, this is a very complex series of events. Evidently, most of the accounts of events by the different parties line up. However, there remain some intriguing discrepancies between the facts regarding the original promotion, and the eventual removal. Additionally, this sudden shake-up within the army’s ranks may adversely affect the army’s standing in the ongoing war. What do you think? How will the Agents fare after these events? And most importantly: What REALLY happened?
Associate Editor