More than two months after the Rebel Penguin Federation declared war on the Secret Service, the conflict has concluded. This past Thursday, the Secret Service laid down its arms and surrendered its land. The war witnessed 44 battles and ultimately ended as a victory for the Rebel Penguin Federation. In this post, we look back at the war, its battles, and its outcome.

Designed by Master DS
The War Declaration
On September 14, the Rebel Penguin Federation declared war on the Secret Service, citing the latter’s efforts to strengthen relations with other armies for a potential alliance war. Notably, both armies are experienced in warfare: The Secret Service has engaged in multiple conflicts since their return. In addition, the Rebels have been a consistent force in the community for years, participating in conflicts, such as World War IX and World War Rewritten.
Following the Rebels’ declaration of war, the Service swiftly responded with a post. In their response, they claimed that RPF had a culture of “total manipulation and control”, among other allegations. This prompted the release of a rebuttal from the Rebels in a post titled “SS: A Disgrace to All of Journalism”. They addressed the Secret Service’s accusations and revealed that some evidence published by the Agents was fabricated.
RPF first scheduled an invasion of Toboggan and planned for the conflict to commence on September 15. Ultimately, RPF won the battle with a score of 3-0. Both armies entered the war with significant momentum, especially since the first day witnessed three battles. Nonetheless, this was only the beginning of a stale 44-battle war.

RPF’s Invasion of Toboggan against the Secret Service
The first week of the war witnessed 15 battles. The two armies were battling daily – and sometimes even twice a day. Thus far, RPF had won all 18 battles that had taken place.

Battle 16 of the war – Secret Service’s Invasion of Alaska against the Rebels
The second week followed a similar course regarding the number of battles. There were 11 battles between the Secret Service and the Rebel Penguin Federation, and the Rebels won them all. Additionally, a noticeable trend this week was the Secret Service’s failure to show up or meet the minimum numbers required for defense.

Battle 28 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Frozen vs Secret Service
As the conflict entered its third week, the chance of a comeback was slim. The Rebels were firmly in the lead and had already taken most of the Secret Service’s land. They captured six more servers this week without facing resistance from their opponent.

Battle 36 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Rome
Following the third week of the Autumn Tundra Clash, the Rebels held 38 pieces of land while the Secret Service had only four left. At this point, the war was paused due to Project Conquest: Blood Bowl, in which the Secret Service was actively participating. Meanwhile, the Rebels opted out of Project Conquest and took a break, anticipating the war would resume after the tournament.
Outcome of the War
On October 24, one month and ten days after RPF’s declaration, the Secret Service announced they were surrendering the war. This announcement came amidst Project: Conquest, where the Secret Service was fiercely competing with the Army of Club Penguin for the title.

SS Leader Logical announcing the surrender
This came as a shock, and the Service failed to explain the reasoning behind their abrupt surrender. To gather more insight, Club Penguin Armies reached out to SS first-in-command, Aisha, for a statement.
What were the reasons behind Secret Service’s surrender to the Rebel Penguin Federation in the Autumn Tundra Clash?
Hey i mean if you look at RPF on the top ten before the war, compared to when the war was happening, let’s just say there was a major difference because of their retired veterans consistently attending 🙏🏼
Well done to RPF for their retired veterans carrying their win against an army that was historically s/m and reopened after years, for only a few months!
This war was pointless for Secret Service and only helped RPF max higher in the TT and that’s it.
Congratulations to RPF, and inshallah you will be able to max 20 without retired veterans ❤️ (i am still waiting on my unban, i may be banned but airforce is still the best force)
The next day, Rebel Commander Gabgeirl imposed the following force treaty on the Secret Service:
Force Treaty for the Autumn Tundra Clash
1. Secret Service (hereafter SS) acknowledges that the final war score was 44-0-0, with 44 Rebel Penguin Federation (hereafter RPF) wins, 0 ties, and 0 SS wins.
2. The three remaining SS servers of Pine Needle, Jerusalem, and Sub Zero will be transferred to RPF.
3. SS may not declare war on RPF for the duration of this treaty. Any SS colony or proxy armies are also prohibited from doing so.
4. SS are prohibited from aiding any other armies in hostilities against RPF. This includes armies with whom SS holds the title of ally, neutral, or enemy with, and covers any dual enlistments.
5. SS cannot raid any RPF events for the duration of this treaty. They also cannot raid the RPF Discord server or website. Individuals from SS cannot harass RPF at their events.
6. This treaty is in effect until 7 December 2024. Any violation of this treaty will result in SS surrendering any servers they have to RPF, and the automatic extension of the treaty from the date of violation for a further 6 weeks. Only CPA Admins may examine and vote on a violation, it is not up to the discretion of the Army League Board. As of the time of writing this treaty, admins refers to the admins of the CPA League only. However, in the event that this league ceases to exist before the expiration of the treaty, all the terms of this treaty will be upheld by any potential successor league(s).
7. This treaty shall be upheld if SS merges, or is colonised into another army. The same is true for any rebrands SS may carry out in this time. If SS shuts down, or goes on hiatus/lockdown during the duration of this treaty, then the treaty will come back into force for the remainder of time should they once again reopen.
8. No loopholes
In conclusion, the Secret Service has surrendered to the Rebel Penguin Federation, ending their first conflict. The next day, a force treaty was imposed on the SS. An interview with Aisha explained that the Rebels benefited from the war to achieve a higher Top Ten placement. She additionally noted that it had become pointless for the Secret Service to continue this war.
Moreover, this development signals the beginning of the end of a period of unrest as almost no armies are currently at war in the community. What do you think? Will the Rebels or the Secret Service enter a state of war again? Who do you think the next conflict will be between?
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The content on this page was last updated on October 27th, 2024 (6:45 pm)