The Secret Service and Rebel Penguin Federation ring of fire has been getting fueled from battle to battle. Determination, challenges, and payback are what both sides are shooting at the moment as their war hits the two-week mark.

Designed by Wynn
After the Rebel Penguin Federation‘s war declaration against the Secret Service was posted on September 14, heated battles escalated from both sides, marking a goal of not giving up. Two weeks have passed and they are still clashing in the battlefield until one holds the victory. Even though the Secret Service has not won a single battle yet, they are unwilling to give up. Let us recap the battles that took place this past week.
TUESDAY, September 24
Battle 19 – Secret Service Invasion of Alaska
In all 3 rooms, RPF was way faster and was able to cover more, while having neater formations. On the other hand, SS had weaker formations, while also having weak movements. In addition, the size advantage of the Rebels played a huge factor in determining a winner. With all of this in mind, RPF wins all 3 rooms and defends Alaska.

Both armies are in action

Battle 20 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Iceberg
Due the Secret Service not showing up, RPF won this battle

Battle 21 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Snowy River
Due to the Service being unable to max above 10, RPF won this battle and invaded Snowy River.

RPF practicing in Snowy River.

Notice by the judges
Battle 22 – Secret Service Invasion of Mittens
Once more, due to SS not showing up to their invasion, RPF won this battle.

Yoni Vs RPF

Results by judges
Battle 23 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Rainy
One more time, due to the Sevice not reaching 10 troops online, RPF won this battle

RPF Vs Three SS troops

Notice by judges
THURSDAY, September 26
Battle 24 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Rainbow
Due to the Service not reaching 10, RPF won this battle.

Battle Vs Aisha

Notice by the judges
Battle 25 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Outback
Due to SS failing to show up, RPF won this battle.

RPF once again meets no resistance.

Notice by the judges
Battle 26 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Sleet
Due to the Service not showing up, RPF won this battle.

RPF in a pool party
Battle 27 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Migrator
Due to the Service not maxing 10, RPF won this battle

RPF Vs Yoni
Battle 28 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Frozen
Breaking their no-show track record, SS finally showed up. In summary, RPF was faster and better at using their size advantage, while SS struggled to keep up. In the first room, RPF’s better performance made them the winner. SS matched RPF’s performance in the second room, resulting in a tie. In the third room, RPF’s size was a huge positive advantage in their better performance, making them the winner.


Battle results
Battle 29 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Icicle
Due to the fact RPF was much quicker, cleaner with formations, covered more, and overall looked more dominant, the Rebels had won the first room. In the second room, SS were getting covered as they looked small enough with the sizes being 23-10 RPF. Due to RPF being much faster and neater for the majority of the room, RPF wins. In the third room, RPF had a few AFKs but RPF was really fast compared to SS. Once again, RPF overall looked better and more dominant than SS.

RPF in action

Results of the battle
Battle 30 – Rebel Penguin Federation Invasion of Fog
Due to SS not showing up, RPF had won this battle

RPF lucky charms

Notice by the judges
By the looks of it, it seems RPF will secure their victory soon. With SS being unable to win a single room in this war so far, it seems their defeat is coming soon. Do you think this is true? Or will the Service surprise us with a post-twist that changes the course of this war?