Farm Merge Valley Takes Over Club Penguin Armies

The COVID pandemic severely helped the Club Penguin army community to come back to life. But now, another pandemic looms, already capturing many people in the community. That pandemic has a name known as, Farm Merge Valley.

Designed by Dino

Farm Merge Valley is a game in which individuals can farm and merge. Simple enough. This simple and addicting entertainment drives more and more community members to merge. Bringing together plants, animals, and others to evolve a farm, it has taken over in the last week. The CPA main chat is often filled with people playing the game, completely blinding out everything else that is not farming and merging. The want to merge is there and it is not fleeting. It is as addicting as the pain that CPA inflicts upon you, numbing the pain of dreadful reality. And maybe that is why it is so popular right now.

An Emerging Takeover

Farm Merge Valley – A fairly innocent-looking game

The first mention of Farm Merge Valley on the Club Penguin Armies Discord server appeared on September 13. Chief Executive Producer Mare had started the app in the main chat, leaving many to wonder about this game. Some already knew it and some had their souls captured by the new experience of merging, competing and cooperating. Since then, it has spread more violently than the flood through Poland, sweeping many from their chairs like Mare when she sees a harmless pigeon. And its influence is only growing.

Meanwhile, more than a dozen fanatic Farm Merge Valley players have been gathered and united. Often, complaints about no one playing the game are echoing through the empty hours of the chat. But when they do play it, this is all anyone will be able to see, left and right. It seems as if Farm Merge Valley has taken over the minds of many in the community, turning Club Penguin Armies into a hub for players. And there is currently no trend which indicates a stoppage of this growth.

Farm Merge Valley Armies?

A future Farm Merge Valley branch of the WH?

It is without a doubt that Farm Merge Valley has captured the attention of many in the community. Alongside those, also important army figures, such as leaders, take the upper hand. Some of the most vocal proponents for the game and its expansion are Mare and now also Winged Hussars leader and S/M Army Legend Snork. Those two figures are especially loud about their support for the game and its spread within the community.

As well, it seems like Farm Merge Valley may soon become more than just a game. It was already mentioned by some people that they intend on recruiting from the game. In a time where recruiting on CPPS becomes more and more difficult, Farm Merge Valley may be a savior for the community. But the question stands: If we see huge recruitment, will there eventually be Farm Merge Valley Armies?

War Arrives on the Farmland

CEP Mare invalidates the COA’s declaration of Farm Merge Valley; making CPA a Merge ally

Around the same time as Farm Merge Valley, another game sought its entrance into the Club Penguin army community. Just as addicting, Bobble League is a game where 4 versus 4 players fight each other on an arcade football pitch. With items, interesting physics, and competition, it won the hearts of many.

Whereas Farm Merge Valley was embraced by the Club Penguin Army administration and the wider community, Bobble League is different. It is primarily loved by certain groups and individuals. Even three armies, Scars of Club Penguin, the Church of Aurora, and the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin have embraced the game over Farm Merge Valley. The Winged Hussars are seen in a split of leadership between merging mastermind Snork and bobble believer Shinzō. Some of the strongest fighters for the Bobble League forces include Scars, T_T, and History.

Aftermath of the conversion of the EGCP to Bobble Leaguism

With the Bobble League players being isolated and unrecognized, they have grown frustrated with their situation. Rising tensions led to constant allegations and even insults between the supporters of the games. The CPA community was split and severed – a powder keg just waiting to explode. And eventually, it did. On September 17 the Church of Aurora issued a declaration of war against Farm Merge Valley, igniting the War of the Bobble Valley. However, almost immediately after, Mare, on behalf of Club Penguin Armies, declared the declaration as invalid, pledging the organization’s loyalty to Farm Merge Valley.

A Dark Future

An alternate reality – Or maybe not?

It is an intriguing thing to think about, but it seems like it will become a possibility. The fanatic and possessed nature of Farm Merge Valley players may well bring us to a point of FMVA – Farm Merge Valley Armies. And while the Mergers may have the CPA administration on their side, we can only ask ourselves if it will remain. Right now, their community is still emerging, and not yet satiated. And who knows? Maybe in the future, the simple approval by the administration may not be enough for them anymore.

Oddly enough, Farm Merge Valley showcases a modern political phenomenon that we can increasingly observe: Fanaticism. Farm Merge Valley is just one side of the extreme, but it is indeed an extreme. There is almost no neutral ground. Either you merge or you are an enemy. The players of the game are fanatics; their hands shivering when they have not yet merged today, longing for this feeling of tending to a virtual farm.

So, it is said, if we will be seeing Farm Merge Valley grow even more, it may as well grow past Club Penguin armies. And also past anything we can imagine: Think of yourself in 25 years. What will you look like? What will be your job? Will you have children? None of this matters. For Farm Merge Valley may as well be your dictator, trapping you in an endless cycle of merging. It is either merge or die.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to farmhand Snork to give us an insight into the crazed mind of a Farm Merge Valley proponent:

What does it make you feel when you play Farm Merge Valley?

Well, firstly I can tell you that when I’m not playing Farm Merge Valley it’s horrible. I start sweating and shaking if I haven’t merged in 5 minutes. I went out shopping today and suddenly noticed everyone’s faces had turned into cows, chickens, and wheat shoots. It is a relief when I get to my farm and start merging again. The pigs always tell me how much they miss me as they sit together waiting for their 5th brother. I used to feel bad when I combined their flesh into one bigger pig, but I realise I’m an innovater. A pioneer. The reincarnation of Dr Frankenstein. I feel like it is my true calling to be a Merge Farmer and I’ve already started to speak with a real estate agent to buy a plot of land in real life. I’ve been sitting on some supermarket eggs in the hopes they will turn into chicks that I can merge for more eggs. The security at my building have asked me to stop looting the dumpsters for supply crates and they just don’t understand my plan. I cannot be the best merge farmer if I’m only receiving 5 supply crates every 5 minutes. I need more. I need more so I bought a rail card so I can keep on looting my friends farms. They mistreat their animals I know it. I need to save them. I need to save all the animals.

Is it true that you plan on taking over the Club Penguin Army Community with your recruits from the game?

Yes. They don’t know it yet, but I have already made a Farm Merge Valley section of the Winged Hussars. I’ve infiltrated the official Farm Merge Valley Discord to spread the word of my plan. If any of the Hussars disagree with me I will merge them. Shinzo + Nicoolas + Teapot will = One loyal Merger. The Marszaleks will be Mergeleks. All the troops have been sent to the merging fields already, but I caught one troop trying to merge 3 wheat instead of 5… Unrelated, but we are hiring one new troop. These people don’t understand which is why they will all be replaced with mergers.

If you will be the merging dictator of the world, what do you plan on doing with Bobble League players?

Your Question, firstly, is incorrect. It should read “when” instead of “if”. When I become the Supreme Merger, I know just what I will do with Bobble League players. I am going to pack them into supply crates and reopen the crates into pieces of wheat, pigs, cows, and carrots. Anyone who resists will be merged into my new crop – Long Pork. I will merge Bobble League, Church of Aurora, and Scars into one good farm. My new farm, to repeat my success and cement my reign as the premier Farm Merge Valley God. If you have a problem with it then I will merge you next.

Farm Merge Valley is a fairly simple game with a lot of potential for addiction. But this is also the issue because it results in fanaticism and can lead past a simple gaming experience. The craze has only started – you can still hide before it is too late. Did you ever play Farm Merge Valley? Will you be one of the victims of the emerging Farm Merge Valley dictatorship?


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Reporter in Training for the CPA and Head Journalist for the Gazeta Husarska. WH Monarch and former Emperor.

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