Army Rivalries: Army of Club Penguin x Nachos

Welcome to the tenth edition of Army Rivalries, a column in which we discuss Club Penguin Armies’ intense feuds. In this edition, we’ll look at the conflicts between the Army of Club Penguin and the Nachos.

Army Rivalries: Army of Club Penguin x Nachos

Designed by Wynn

Spanning from the very beginning of Club Penguin Armies until the closure of the original Club Penguin, the rivalry between the Army of Club Penguin and the Nachos is arguably one of the largest, and most intense. It would be near impossible to include all encounters between the two armies in a single comprehensive post; however, various highlights are worth mentioning.

The Beginning

The dawn of Club Penguin Armies is mostly clouded in myth and speculation. Widely accepted stories claim that, prior to armies, there existed unorganized clans named ‘Reds‘ and ‘Blues‘. A massive rise in unorganized in-game factions was reportedly due to spontaneous conflicts between these two clans — also called the Color Wars, or World War I. These in-game factions made way for the first organized armies to come to life. Both the Army of Club Penguin and the Nachos were among these armies.

On September 29, 2006, Oagalthorp, an original member of the Blues, created the Army of Club Penguin. The first main point of operations was the Miniclip forums. These forums allowed players to enlist in the army, and discover meeting places for future battles and events. This organization, alongside ACP’s interesting uniform at the time, allowed the Army of Club Penguin to grow rapidly in size. By early October, ACP trumped all other clans. This marked the beginning of organized armies as we know it.

During this time, the sombrero head item was re-released in-game. The uprising of multiple rogue ‘Nachos’ clans shortly followed. Since the Nachos were split into a plethora of different rogue groups, it is difficult to pinpoint which of these led to the Nachos we all know. According to legend, the most outstanding of these clans was led by the mythical Jamesbond1. He was the self-proclaimed “Nacho King of Blizzard”. However, the Nachos only truly came to life when one of Jamesbond1’s captains, Tom Wolf, took the helm. His clan of the Nachos trumped all others, with reports of them managing to max up to 30 penguins. He later went on to create the first Nachos website.

Rare image of the color wars with ACP Creator Oagalthorp captured.

World War II — The First Encounter

The two armies first encountered one another during World War II in late 2006. Throughout this war, the Army of Club Penguin mainly battled the Romans. The Romans, who were the second army to officially organize via a Miniclip forum thread, quickly grew in numbers and dominated Blizzard, thanks in part to the easy availability of the Roman Helmet. Since this was Nachos’s capital server, they were forced to move to the ACP home server, Mammoth. This move saved them from being destroyed. On this server, they also met many new armies, including the Army of Club Penguin.

The Army of Club Penguin first encountered the Nachos after defeating the Romans on October 13, 2006. They joined forces to defend “peaceful” servers from Roman invasions.

World War III — From Enemies To Allies

One year later, the Nachos and the Clovers had several minor in-game encounters, but nothing noteworthy occurred. This changed with the outbreak of World War III, which pitted the Army of CP against the Underground Mafias Army. The Nachos then allied with the Mafias, effectively kicking off the famous rivalry between the ACP and the Nachos. Their first major confrontation took place on July 15, 2007, when the Nachos joined the Mafias in the first battle of WWIII to help them against the Army of CP.

The war concluded on July 22 of that year. This ushered in a new era of positive relations between the Army of CP and the Nachos. On August 11, legendary Nachos leader Tom Wolf retired, putting in his place Zippy500. Zippy went on to begin attacking ACP servers.

Over the next month, both armies participated in a rogue war, facing off against each other numerous times. However, this only went on until August 25, 2007. On this day the Clovers and the Nachos formed an unexpected alliance. The following day, the Army of CP and the Nachos both joined the newly created ‘army council’. This council consisted of all armies allied with either ACP or the Nachos.

One of the battles between the two; taken from the ACP website, early August.

This segment of ACP x Nachos history ended with the two on good terms. Both were now part of an alliance that went on to dominate the army community.

The Next Few Years — 2007-2013 Timeline

The relations between the Army of CP and the Nachos had multiple ups and downs, with countless interactions taking place between the two. Going in-depth on each one is difficult, however, some of the most important ones are:

  • Army of CP and Nachos fought ALONGSIDE each other against the Golds in October 2007.
  • Army of CP and Nachos fought ALONGSIDE each other in yet another war against the Golds and the anti-ACP rebellion, also in October 2007
  • Army of CP and Nachos fought ALONGSIDE each other in a war against the Watex Warriors in November 2007. This was one of the most famous wars in OG Club Penguin Armies.
  • Army of CP and Nachos fought AGAINST each other in a war against the Underground Mafias Army in January 2008. This marked the first time the Nachos went against the Army of CP after the formation of the Army Council alliance. This war lasted from January 2 to January 10, with an Army of CP victory.
  • Army of CP initiated ‘Operation SnowstormAGAINST the Nachos on February 22, 2008. This is an anti-Nachos operation that aimed to make sure the Nachos did not attack any ACP land.
  • A big battle happened between the two on February 25, 2008, consequent to the aforementioned operation. On February 26, the Army of CP went AGAINST the Nachos in yet another war, when the Nachos challenged ACP to a battle, and the Clovers accepted. This war lasted until March 22, when the last battle between the two took place. Notably, this battle marked the last battle that Oagalthorp attended.
  • The Nachos sided with the Mafias and the Ice Warriors AGAINST the Army of CP on August 11, 2008. Found here.
  • Army of CP and Nachos battled AGAINST one another for Mammoth on November 15, 2008. This ended with an Army of CP victory.
  • The Army of CP and Nachos join in an alliance, called “The Alliance“, alongside the largest armies of the community at the time, on February 10, 2009.
  • Army of CP go to war AGAINST the Nachos once again on April 29, 2009.
  • On April 6th, 2010, the Nachos INVADE the Army of CP multiple times during a war between the Clovers and the Doritos of Club Penguin. This comes to an end only four days later.
  • On December 19th, 2010, the Nachos lost AGAINST the Army of CP in a CP Army Central Tournament.
  • On February 5th, 2011, the Army of CP declared war against the Night Warriors. At first, the Nachos went AGAINST the Army of CP, however after almost a month of war, the Nachos instead allied with the Army of CP. This was the beginning of World War V.
  • On May 15th, 2011, the Army of CP fought ALONGSIDE the Nachos against several armies.
  • Between July 29 and 31, 2011, the Army of CP initiated ‘Plan O’, and captured all but one of the Nachos’ servers.
  • On January 2nd, 2012, the Nachos won in a tournament semi-final AGAINST the Army of CP.
  • Starting from January 22nd, and ending on February 28th, the war between the Army of CP and the Light Troops saw a large Nacho presence on the side of the Light Troops. Countless battles happened between the Nachos and the Army of CP in this war, with both sides winning almost equal amounts of battles.
  • On May 21/22, a 0-battle war occurs between the two.
  • On December 3rd, 2012, another battle fired up between the two armies. ACP won most of the battles, and the war ended 5 days later.
  • The Nachos defeated the Army of CP in another tournament semi-final on March 16, 2013
  • On April 19, 2013, another series of invasions from both armies began, only coming to an end on April 27th that year. The war ended 9-1-6 in favor of the Nachos, and the leader of the Army of CP was forced to step down due to real-life occurrences after the war.

Image of the final battle of the Nachos-ACP war on Feb. 25, 2008

October 2013 — The Storm, After the Calm

A seemingly long silence occurred after the previous war ended. However, this all changed in October 2013. During this time, the Army of CP was at what seemed to be turning into a world war. They were facing off against the Light Troops and the Watex Warriors. To add insult to injury, on October 13, the Nachos released a declaration of war on the Army of CP.

The next day, the Rebel Penguin Federation released a post that brought to life an alliance consisting of themselves, the Army of CP, and the Doritos. This alliance was the infamous New Dawn Alliance. The Nachos and the Light Troops responded by forming their own alliance, namely the BloodLine Alliance.

Throughout the next few days, multiple battles took place between the two sides. On November 3rd, the Nachos surrendered and signed the Fjord Agreement. This agreement, paired with the fact that the Nachos broke it two days later, kept the two armies out of war with each other for over half a year.

ACP vs Nachos Battle for Avalanche – October 27, 2013

The Next Few Years pt. 2 — 2014-2015 Timeline

The only interactions between the Nachos and the Army of CP in the six months following the war are practice battles and a singular tournament battle. These are the events that happened after these six months passed.

  •  In May 2014, the Army of CP and the Nachos fought ALONGSIDE one another as part of the League of Justice alliance.
  • On October 18, 2014, the Clovers defeated the Nachos in the quarter-finals of the Champions Cup.
  • On December 21, 2014, the Nachos declared war AGAINST the Army of CP. This war eventually came to an end on January 3rd of the next year, in favor of the Army of CP.
  • Throughout March 2015, the Nachos aided the Army of CP in their war against the Light Troops.
  • On April 5, 2015, another war between the two began. This war, similar to the last, ended with an Army of CP victory on April 17.
  • On May 31, 2015, the Army of CP raided the Nachos’ capital, and then the next day they officially invaded it. They also invaded it again a week later.
  • Another war sparked between the two on July 8, 2015. This war lasted 10 days and ended with an Army of CP victory.
  • On December 18, 2015, the Army of CP and the Nachos joined the same alliance, called the Aerate Alliance in order to make a stance against multilogging.
  • Throughout this timeline, countless practice battles also took place between the two.

Battle of Caribou – December 31st, 2014

The Final War

The final war between the two took place in early 2016, a year before the shutdown of Club Penguin. On March 13, the Army of CP declared war on the Nachos. The war took a brief pause, until March 16 when the Nachos invaded the ACP server of Snow Fort. The conflict lasted over a month, with many battles taking place between the two armies almost every day. Following constant invasions from the Army of CP, the Nachos declared the end of the war on April 18.

Battle for Christmas – April 4, 2016

Battle for Fiesta – April 4, 2016


As is clear, the rivalry between the two is both rich in history and very complex. Ever since 2006, the two armies constantly went between being close allies and being deadly enemies. Every one of the wars, alliances, or tournaments mentioned between the two has its own story behind it. Moreover, it is one of the most defining rivalries of Club Penguin Armies, and the interactions between them typically set the course for whatever war they were partaking in. What do you think of the rivalry? Do you think that armies would be the same without this rivalry?



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