Special Weapons and Tactics have strengthened bonds with the Aliens. We will see where these allegiances stemmed, and what SWAT hopes they will achieve alongside their new brother ally.

Designed by Dino
On September 12, Fun X Time of Special Weapons and Tactics made a statement on the army’s server confirming the army’s allegiances. Firstly, he was keen to dispel any rumours, asserting that only official statements were accurate. Following this, he declared that the Secret Service and the Aliens of Club Penguin are now their brother allies. This came as no surprise, as SWAT has enjoyed a close relationship with the two armies in the past. SWAT and Aliens became allies once again on August 17, and have remained allies with SS since the dissolution of the ill-fated International United Armies, of which they were both members.

SWAT declares SS and Aliens to be their brother allies
The IUA was initially formed by the Aliens in 2019 and reformed upon their return to the community in June. It comprised several armies including SWAT, SS, and Squids. Though the alliance was short-lived, it did not go down quietly. Rising tensions and suspicions over the alliance’s goals culminated in a battle between IUA and the Sapphire Concordat. In the end, Bestpenguin decided on July 27 to close the alliance permanently. The IUA had been hit with accusations that S/M armies were being used, with Toxic Storm being the member in focus.
There is a drastic difference in the pursuits of the armies SWAT has made allegiance with. SS has notably engaged in war multiple times in their newest generation, recently emerging victorious against the Templars. Now they face a new war following the Rebel Penguin Federation‘s declaration. As a result of their hubris, they are the largest army on the map, holding 33 servers. On the other hand, Aliens have opted to remain off the map, not directly fighting any army since its reopening. SWAT has made attempts to gain footing on the map, but lost their only server to the Army of Club Penguin in a swift invasion.

The battle for Migrator between the IUA and the SC
Even though SWAT declared the Service as their newest brother ally, the army now claims they never accepted the Agents’ proposal to form a brother alliance.

A Statement from Logical
Club Penguin Armies sat down with SWAT leader Zooy to talk about the army’s new brother allies.
How does it feel to have become brother allies with SS and Aliens?
Ecstatic! SS and SWAT have had a strong bond and watching SS reach for the stars is amazing! I think we’ve considered them unofficial brother allies as a while with how close we’ve been with them, but now it’s official! Aliens are just.. amazing! They’ve got an amazing leadership and are just filled with kind people! We’re really glad to have some close allies now since we haven’t had much assistance from other armies in CPA for quite a while, and of course because of the fact that they’re just amazing armies.
SS and Aliens have both achieved Major status. Does being their brother ally inspire SWAT with more confidence as an S/M Army?
Yeah definitely, we’re reaching for our dreams and hoping to be like our big brother allies sometime soon! We started as the established army and we watched them grow into major armies, now it’s our turn to hopefully make that transformation. Considering our alliance formed as an s/m co-help alliance, it’s astonishing to see our brother allies as majors now. We also do definitely feel like we have a lot more breathing room in the community now, and our troops are relieved that there’s a strong army to help us out in times of need!
What do you hope that SWAT will achieve with these armies in the future?
Everything, we hope to rise above the ranks with them, to fight with them, to protect them, to work with them, and just to be allies of strong unwavering trust. We have many things planned for the future, but there are so many unplanned things that we can only wait to see their beauty and power. But our main goal? Paint the map.. red and green.
SWAT has high hopes for their future with their brother allies, but time will tell what they will do together. Will we see SWAT or Aliens get onto the map? What might SWAT use the strength of its brother allies for?