Having recently returned to the community, the International United Armies found themselves quickly immersed in controversy. Thus, despite promising to be a powerful growing alliance, it closed after only a few weeks of activity. What circumstances led to this event?

Designed by Master DS
Created on December 19, 2019, by Small/Medium Army Legend and Aliens leader Bestpenguin, the International United Armies aimed to support several S/M Armies and prevent their closure due to lack of proper sizes. The origins of the IUA date back to the former S/M Armies alliance known as the National Armies Alliance, primarily headed by the Help Force. However, after the Helpers departed from the Club Penguin Online Army League, the NAA could not sustain itself for longer as internal issues started to brew within it.
Therefore, aiming to fill the power gap that HF left behind, the Aliens decided to inaugurate IUA and, subsequently, they became the heads of the alliance. Many armies comprised the IUA, such as the Royals, Athletes, Tree Cult, Sky Troops, and the Miners. On average, the alliance managed to reach sizes of 25-35+ when hosting joint events. Nonetheless, after the Aliens were reclassified to Small/Medium, they felt they could not keep providing support to the S/M community as they once did. It was time for IUA to shut down – and so the alliance did on May 11, 2020.

Bestpenguin Announces The Closure of IUA, May 2020
The alliance would remain dormant for years, until the Aliens announced their reopening in June 2024. Shortly after returning, the Aliens stretched relations with armies such as the Squids, Secret Service, and Special Weapons and Tactics. In talks with SS leader JoelFreak, Bestpenguin decided to revive his creation and give IUA a second life, but with the same goals they had in 2020.
Thus, on July 11 all armies involved with the reborn International United Armies announced the opening of its new server. Nonetheless, the alliance did not have an easy time. The Sapphire Concordat declared war on the Secret Service, claiming that the army was using S/M armies to their benefit. That way, the IUA could not watch this aggressive move with their arms crossed. Even though the battle itself resulted in a loss for the Service, it showcased the strong union the IUA had.

Defense of Migrator
Nevertheless, although the future for the IUA was seemingly bright, its creator, Bestpenguin, announced that it would permanently close because of issues arising within the community surrounding the alliance’s name and composition. Therefore, Club Penguin Armies reached out to him to understand the circumstances that led to this event.
What circumstances led to the alliance’s closure?
A lot of misunderstandings about IUA were spreading in the community. IUA was established to help each other and survive in the long run, but seeing our glorious IUA get a bad name and receive hate was hurtful. Therefore, all of us decided to close down IUA.
In your perspective, what could have been done to avoid such controversy?
I think we could have avoided this controversy by sorting things out peacefully. All the misunderstandings happened because of a joke made by Toxic Storm. It would have been better if we had publicly cleared up the misunderstandings on day one. But we thought the joke was nothing serious, and I too expected people to consider it as a joke, so I was surprised when I found out that everyone thought the joke was real.

Bestpenguin addresses the IUA controversy
Do you believe the IUA would achieve its purpose, like in 2020, if it were still active?
Yes, I believe the IUA would be able to achieve its purpose, just like in 2020, if it were still active because our values of equality and helping unconditionally were still present. Nowadays, SS, SWAT, and ALIENS are doing pretty well, so we all could have helped the other small/medium armies and ensured their survival in the long run. So yeah, IUA would still achieve its purpose.
In your announcement, you mentioned that the IUA would permanently close. However, we must ask: is it true? Or are we potentially seeing another IUA revival sometime?
Yes for now IUA is permanently closed. I don’t know about the future, if the things are good again then we might reopen again in future.
The fact the IUA’s second run was so short-lived was indeed disappointing. Luckily, Bestpenguin assured us that if ‘things are good again’, we may see a second attempt to make IUA a stable and strong alliance as it once was. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think the closure was justified? Are we going to see IUA coming back before the year ends?
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Damn, people really don’t understand satire in this day and age.
[…] 2024, shortly after their reopening. This assisted the Aliens in their growth, until the recent shutdown of the alliance on July […]