Welcome to the thirty-sixth edition of Club Penguin Armies Comics! In this comic, our dear administrator Mare used her unrivaled, unparalleled, and unmatched artistic skills to portray a funny multilogging scenario.

Designed by Wynn
In the first frame of this comic, we can see two penguins discussing whether multilogging is a legal practice in Club Penguin Armies. However, the purple guy proceeds with it regardless, as both seem surprised by how it inflated their sizes. Later in the day, a Spotlight investigation is released, quickly exposing the unfortunate destination of the army led by these two. I would like to personally advise you all, dear readers, to contemplate Mare‘s talent in drawing. Reflect on how precise, how stunning, and how professional the traits of her penguins look. This is CPA state-of-the-art content.
Drawn by Mare
Did you enjoy this week’s comic? Do you wish to see more of Mare’s artistic talents here in CPA? What kind of comics to you want to see more?