With the start of a war between the Spartans and the Brownie4s, Mark0600 has stepped away from leadership, calling Faith and Pain of War to take his place. How will this shift in leadership change the tide of the war?

Designed by Dino
On September 9, Mark06 made an announcement in the Brownie4s of Club Penguin Discord server, announcing that he would be stepping down from leadership. This occurred during the Spartans of Club Penguin and Brownie4s war. In this announcement, he appointed Faith to take his place for the duration of the war. This announcement came at the beginning of The Execution War.

Faith’s promotion announcement
Faith will be taking over the role of Main Leader, adopting many of the responsibilities of managing an army from Mark. Faith also has experience leading many armies of a similar caliber to Brownie4s, and is fit for the role.
She noted that she only decided to return to being an army leader by the request of her old friends. She also noted that after the war is over, she plans to retire once again. Following this, she recently retired after the war ended.
Following her promotion, Club Penguin Armies decided to interview Faith for her input on her recent promotion.
Do you have experience leading armies? If so, which ones?
I lead Golden Troops for a short period in 2012-2013 before it shut down. Other than that, i have lead countless small and joke armies.
What keeps you coming back to these types of leadership positions, as opposed to a large army?
I find it way more comforting than joining most major armies, the people there are usually already friends and you can get along with them easily. Plus, small armies are way easier to lead and manage!
With your experience leading small armies such as Brownie4s, would you consider yourself a mentor while co-leading with Pain of War?
Since I retired a long time ago, I’ve had to get back into leading myself! I would consider Mark as Pain’s mentor, not me.

A picture of a VPF event
Pain of War is relatively new to the scene of CP Army leadership. He created and lead the Vanguard Penguin Federation during the summer of this year. VPF sprung up during a time of an army resurgence, which also saw the revival of some armies, and the creation of new armies.
Following this, Club Penguin Armies also contacted Pain of War for his input on his promotion.
With this shift of tonality in the past armies you have lead in, would this new promotion change your leadership style?
Right now i’m just treating it as a fun thing I can do, if it becomes serious then i’ll be serious about it.
Unfortunately, due to medical issues, Pain of War has since stated that he will be offline until further notice. Feel better soon, Pain!
Club Penguin Armies congratulates these two individuals on their promotion. Will these new leaders fit well in their position? What will happen to the army after the war?
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