Summer Gala 2024: Nominations & Voting

As the summer winds down and draws to a close, we have one final important announcement to end the season. We are thrilled to announce the Summer Awards 2024 voting process. This is your chance to select the individuals and events that have shaped the community over the past eight months.

Designed by Beasto

2024 Summer awards

 Biggest Army

Over the past few months, the community has witnessed numerous changes in armies’ statuses. While some achieved the major army title, others fell down to small/medium. In your view, which of these armies demonstrated exceptional resilience and emerged as a dominant force within the community during this year thus far?


  • Army of Club Penguin
  • Elite Guardians
  • Help Force
  • Rebel Penguin Federation
  • Templars
  • Aliens
  • Secret Service
  • People’s Imperial Confederation

Best major army leader

The army community would be defunct without the selfless work of the major army leaders. They lead their army through highs and lows, through wars and battles, and have the greatest influence on the success of their army. The best leaders are often those who keep their head the lowest, bearing the most responsibility while ensuring that each member of their staff team can shine out. From this list, consider the leaders who have put in the most work to make their army a success.


  • Ugly (ACP)
  • Roxy (ACP)
  • Sidie9 (TCP)
  • Dawnables (TCP)
  • Mocha (TCP)
  • Thuanthaijo (HF)
  • Beasto (HF)
  • Link3000 (RPF)
  • Gabgeirl (RPF)
  • Bestpenguin (Aliens)
  • Void (Aliens)
  • MissNova (Aliens)
  • Claire (WV)
  • Cabin (WV)
  • Dino (WV)
  • Ryebread (WV)
  • Shallissa (PIC)
  • Alucard (PIC)
  • Sweater (PIC)
  • Fitsuki (EGCP)
  • Lassarote (EGCP)
  • Dalloway (EGCP)
  • Joel (SS)
  • Monstah (SS)


Not to be confused with major army leaders, S/M leaders play an equally important part in the community. They keep an eye on the “lower leagues” and are the cornerstone to building any army from the ground up. They understand the struggle of keeping an army afloat better than anyone and are often the hardest-working members of the community. Any thriving major army today has a S/M leader to thank for it.


  • Fun X Time (SWAT)
  • Fwapo (SWAT)
  • Zooy (SWAT)
  • Shinzo (WH)
  • Snork (WH)
  • Mrs Potts (WH)
  • Ethan (Spartans)
  • Skyelarsenn (Spartans)
  • Adan Kazmi (Spartans)
  • Scars (SCP)
  • 54x (SCP)
  • Bilxo (BB)
  • Pain of War (VPF)


An army’s dominance within the community can manifest in diverse ways, starting with high maxes or frequent conflicts. However, such dominance doesn’t always guarantee victory in every battle. The title of “Best Tactical Army” will be awarded to the army that consistently exhibits outstanding performance on the battlefield and rarely loses, even if facing a stronger opponent.


  • Army of Club Penguin
  • Elite Guardians
  • Help Force
  • Rebel Penguin Federation
  • Winged Hussars
  • Special Weapons and Tactics
  • Water Vikings
  • Templars
  • Secret Service
  • People’s Imperial Confederation

 Best Higher Command

No army would be complete without its higher command. These staff members are the driving force behind the army, bringing their leaders’ visions to completion. They support their commanders through highs and lows and provide leadership for the lower staff, making their role doubly important. Without these individuals, any army could never survive.


  • WilliamW2010 (SWAT)
  • Sheriff (Aliens)
  • Moonlemur (RPF)
  • Sua (SS)
  • Doopus (WH)
  • Licy (EGCP)
  • Diwix (HF)
  • Zaed (Spartans)
  • Noa (ACP)
  • Skyu (WV)
  • s_iiri. (BB)
  • Armenzia (PIC)
  • Maguro (TCP)

 Most Achieved

This award is given to the individual in armies who set themselves apart, through their admirable work ethic and often leadership position in armies. They helped shape the community throughout the year, making their presence known and ideas brought into fruition. The most achieved can be considered the backbone of the community for the time they spent active and contributing.


  • Ugly
  • Link3000
  • Beasto
  • Dawnables
  • Shallissa
  • Dino
  • Sidie9
  • Spotty
  • Mchappy

 Biggest retirement

Every good leader wants to go out with a bang. The biggest retirement award is given to the leader who not only made headlines with their retirement but was so vital to their army that their absence makes itself known.


  • Cabin (WV)
  • Dino (WV)
  • Mabel (WV)
  • Shallissa (PIC)
  • Mchappy (CPA)
  • Coolguy (ACP)
  • AustinFraud (ACP)
  • Elexonck (RPF)
  • Edu (EGCP)

 Biggest Rise

The Biggest Rise is awarded to the army which managed to not only keep its head afloat but thrive. In today’s environment, with a diminished player base and difficult recruiting, any army that has been able to flourish can be applauded. From tournament winnings to Top Ten rankings, this army has proven to the community they aren’t to be taken lightly.


  • Help Force
  • People’s Imperial Confederation
  • Aliens
  • Templars
  • Secret Service

 Best conflict

The past few months have seen their fair share of conflict. We all know the true purpose of army conflicts, though: entertainment for the community at large. The Best Conflict is not only the one with the most satisfying conclusion but also the one that allows armies to showcase their true strength and that pushes leaders to prove their worth.


  • Centenary Solstice War: Army of Club Penguin vs. Elite Guardians
  • Sluttpådawn War: Templars and Water Vikings
  • Water Vikings vs Army of Club Penguin
  • Help Force vs People’s Imperial Confederation
  • War of Tailwind: Winged Hussars and Dark Pirates
  • Help Force vs Templars

 Most Controversial Moment

Ah, CPA drama. Where would we be without you? Much happier. It should come as no surprise to anyone that where penguins are, drama follows, and the past months have been no exception. While controversy can often be stressful for those involved, it allows the community to take a step back and consider the whole equation of an issue, determining to avoid these mistakes going forward.


  • Help Force scandal followed by the removal of one of their leaders
  • Water Vikings’ voting to remove one of their leaders followed by scandal
  • Templars’ exposed for scandal involving founder, causing Secret Service-TCP war
  • Secret Service staff member multilogging exposed
  • The formation and disbandment of International United Armies
  • Head Judges request review of the Battle of Sherbet
  • Legends Cup being made double elimination

 Best Writer

The Best Writer award is given to the individual who made an extraordinary contribution to reporting and who sought to provide fast and accurate information in the clearest way possible. After all, we rely on reporters to get concise information about army dramas and events.


  • Edu14463
  • Fun X Time
  • Thuanthaijo
  • Shallissa
  • Sweater
  • Ninja Leader
  • Aurora
  • Tulip
  • Niko
  • Lunita

 Post of the summer

Not only is the Best Reporter highlighted, but also the best post of 2024 so far. This top-quality post is often the most interesting or best-written piece of the summer, providing entertainment as well as information to those who read it.


 Best Graphic Designer

Almost everywhere you look in CPA, a graphic designer has had a hand in it somehow. This can range from post graphics to Club Penguin Army Battleground to even server icons. These people work quickly and tirelessly to make sure that each piece of news is accompanied by an interesting, eye-catching graphic.


  • Master DS
  • Beasto
  • Cassie
  • Gabgeirl
  • Edu14463
  • Wynn
  • Dino

 Best Judge

Being a judge can be a difficult job, especially when results are contested and argued over. Judges are some of the most important members of the community, ensuring that battles and tournaments can run smoothly and without any major hiccups. They offer feedback and tips to leaders, helping them to become more experienced battle leaders.


  • TT
  • Lawless
  • Rarity
  • Dalloway
  • Flypin1
  • Hidcre

Best Moderator

When there’s trouble in the community chat, you know who to call. The moderators of our Discord server can navigate tough situations while keeping our Discord server running smoothly. We truly are unsure how we would look after the server with these key individuals.


  • Mogi
  • JevTheJester
  • Zooy
  • Jojoteri
  • Guta

Best Top Ten Committee Member

Arguably one of the most important “ninja” jobs on our team. Everyone looks forward to the Top Ten every week on Sundays, and the Top Ten Committee members’ ability to organize the numbers each week is the reason the Top Tens can consistently be released. We call this award the unofficial “Best Counter” award.


  • Zenishira
  • Spotty
  • Edu14463
  • Spin
  • Ugly

Best Community Committee Member

While reporting on the news in the community is the structure of our foundation, the Community Committee is where we really shine. Thanks to the members of this committee, the Discord server has become a more fun, interactive place to be. Playing army is all fun and games, but Community Committee events are where the fun happens, leading to many ever-lasting memories being made.


  • Tulip
  • Spotty
  • Zenishira
  • Edu14463
  • JevTheJester
  • Ryebread
  • Snaqe

Best Youtuber

YouTube editing and recording is an underrated job. These individuals are creating a formal archive of what our community looks like in its current state. We’ll be able to look back on these videos with fond memories. Their role is superbly important to the functioning of Club Penguin Armies.


  • Tulip
  • Lady Eden
  • Ryebread
  • Toxic Storm
  • Hidcre
  • Edu14463

COMMUNITY sweetheart

The Community Sweetheart is someone who, despite the challenges and toxicity that may arise, consistently treats everyone with kindness and radiates positive energy. This individual is universally appreciated, as their sweetness and positivity reach beyond affiliations, making them a beloved figure by all.


  • Zooy
  • Elsa
  • Flypin1
  • JevTheJester
  • Tulip
  • Link3000

Brightest Bulb

Last but certainly not least, the Brightest Bulb is perhaps the most infamous award out of the whole list. This one is given to those who have some quirks that certainly make all of our time in CPA more interesting. It’s hard to see where the community might stand today without the very valuable input from these people.


  • The entire army community
  • Aurora
  • Da Best
  • Scars
  • CPA Admins

How to vote

The voting will be done through Google Forms. To fill out the form, you will be required to log into your Gmail account. This is to ensure that there aren’t any duplicate votes and that each person casts their vote only once. However, we will NOT have any access to the Gmail addresses that completed the form, and your information will stay completely anonymous. For safety and privacy concerns, we request and encourage you to NOT use your personal email for this, but to use an alternative email that you might use/have used generally for Club Penguin purposes.

>> The Google Form can be accessed HERE<<

The voting for the End of Summer Awards 2024 will conclude at 5pm EST/10pm UK on Thursday, September 5th.

End of Summer Gala and Awards Ceremony 

We are excited to invite everyone to join us in celebrating the ‘End of Summer’ at the Gala organized by the Community Committee! This event will be a combination of the awards ceremony and fun activities. The Gala is set to take place on Saturday, September 7th at 12pm (noon) EST/5pm UK.

Be sure not to miss out on this occasion and be part of a day filled with engaging activities. Come, represent your army, and be among the first to learn if YOU or YOUR army has earned a trophy. As always, we want everyone to know that we truly appreciate all of you. Without you, none of this would be possible. Also, a special shoutout to Master DS, Beasto, Frickle, Zooy, Community Committee members, and Coolguy for contributing to the creation of the Summer Gala for this year!

More Information

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3 Responses

  1. Cxshet.jjjjr September 2, 2024 (3:26 pm)

    Why am I not there

  2. […] Summer Gala announcement was released on September 2, including all the nominations and categories for voting. There are […]

  3. […] to gather in an igloo designed for the Summer Awards. For the past few days, the community had voted under several categories. The Community Committee and Admins proceeded to announce the results of […]

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