Beach Brawl IV: Community Predictions

As Beach Brawl IV hits the field, the small/medium army community gathers to partake in this unique and exciting tournament. Who will emerge victorious at the end of this much-anticipated battle?

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Beach Brawl is one of the most exciting tournaments of the summer. Once again, the small/medium army community competes in a challenging tournament. Last year, the community witnessed the People’s Imperial Confederation emerge victorious in the tournament. However, their recent upgrade to major army status makes them absent from the tournament this year.

The Beach Brawl III trophy was won by the People’s Imperial Confederation in 2023

This year, the tournament will be held on Saturday, August 31. The single-battle tournament will operate in two different rooms simultaneously. It will certainly be an interesting battle to watch, as multiple new armies challenge each other on the battlefield.
Club Penguin Armies reached out to the army community to learn their thoughts on the verdict of the tournament.

Which army do you think is taking the trophy home, and why?

Lunita, Senior Reporter: As one of the judges of the last years Beach Brawl, I have nothing but high expectations for this year. Last year we had so much less armies in the SM category and the playing field was uneven. These days, things are much different, we have Scars, Blizzards, Spartans, Winged Hussars and promotionands and so many other new additions, it’s insane!

Personally I am really looking forward to the performance of my former army (the Water Vikings) in this tourney! I wish them great luck. As for my predictions?
I believe that the winners will clearly be Scars! In all honesty though, this will be a close match up, any army could surprise, I’d say that the main drivers will be Scars, Water Vikings, and SWAT. However any army can surprise. I wish luck to all armies in this tourney! Finally to quote Palpatine : ”We will watch your career with great interest”

Ivus, Aliens leader: SWAT will win because they are doing their best. They have the potential to be great again and, lately have shown great improvment in many different categories.

History, EGCP: 100% WV. Most of the armies here can’t even max 10. WH might be in the quarter-finals however, it is clear that WV will win. Considering the fact they can max 15+.

Elsa, TCP: Hmmmmm. I think Blizzard Battalion will win this tournament, because I have faith in them and they are also Templars allies!

Kimo, ACP: I think WV will win the tournament because they are more experienced, they max good sizes, they have good tactics, and good leadership

Indeed, this tournament will be exciting to witness as different opinions arise. Moreover, the community appreciates the presence of more deserving armies on the tournament rolls. Who do you think will bring the Beach Brawl trophy home this Saturday?


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