Aliens Re-ally with SWAT and Secret Service

On August 17, Aliens Leader Bestpenguin announced their re-alliance with the Secret Service and Special Weapons and Tactics. This was announced after Bestpenguin decided to close the IUA and broke the alliance with the two armies. Let’s dive into this new decision.

Designed by BEASTO

This incident first began on July 11 with the first announcement of the IUA reopening. They allied with 3 armies, which were SWAT, Secret Service, and the Squids. These four armies would be hosting allied events together.

Bestpenguin announcing the IUA re-opening

Shortly after, an announcement had been released that the IUA permanently closed after only 15 days of being re-opened. This choice occurred as there was controversies with the IUA in the army community. In the announcement, it listed that the Aliens would remain neutral with all the armies.

The IUA closing announcement

Around a week after this, the Aliens decided to ally with the Help Force. Another decision occurred a few days after, with the alliance of SWAT and the Secret Service. The announcement listed that they will all work together to become the very best.

Aliens re-alliance with SWAT and SS

After seeing this recent re-alliance, Club Penguin Armies decided to interview an Aliens leader, Bestpenguin, on how he feels about this re-alliance.

Why did you decide to re-ally with SWAT and SS?

Aliens decided to re ally with swat and SS because we believe in their potential and their leaders are good friends of ours.

What goals would you like to achieve with this alliance?

Aliens aim to build trust and a family-like environment in CPA with SWAT and Secret Service. We want to support each other to survive in long-term and become the best together.

It seems as Bestpenguin is positive about the new alliance, and hopes to grow the alliance more and more. We wish the best with the alliance. Will the armies grow to their very best? Will this alliance be a long-term advancement?


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