Top 5 Moments of July 2024

July was yet another active month for many armies within the community. With the Legends Cup ongoing and rivalries heating up July saw many memorable moments being made.

Top 5 Moments

Designed by Koloway

July has quickly come and gone, leaving many memorable moments behind but what were the top five moments of the month? The Club Penguin Armies staff team have voted and the top five moments have been decided. Without further ado, let us explore the top five moments of July 2024.

5. Water Vikings Go Into Lockdown

Written by Tulip

On July 15, 2024, Water Vikings leader Claire announced that the army would be going on lockdown. The lockdown was put in place to allow its leaders to make some changes within the army to enable growth and sustainability. These were not the only reasons for the lockdown. However, they were arguably the most important.

Shortly before the lockdown was announced, the Vikings had lost multiple leaders, and sunk to S/M army status. They were also eliminated in round two of the loser’s bracket during the Legends Cup XIV. Arguably, these factors contributed to the army’s lockdown. But what will this mean for the future of the army? Only time will tell whether or not the Vikings will be able to come back stronger.

Claire announcing its lockdown

4. Sapphire Concordat Battles Against Secret Service

Written by Tulip

On July 12, the People’s Imperial Confederation, alongside Templars and the Army of Club Penguin, declared war on the Secret Service. Despite all three declaring, only PIC could schedule on the Service because they only had one piece of land. Therefore, the Confederation scheduled an invasion of Migrator, the Service’s capital. The Confederation claimed that SS were a threat to the S/M army community. Ultimately, they were against them inflating their own sizes and sizes of S/M armies through their alliances. Tensions had built up for weeks, leading to a fierce battle for Migrator.

The battle was very competitive as both armies were allowed to have their allies battle with them. Room 1, Docks, was considered a tie by the judges, as none of the armies really stood out in that room. The second room, Stadium, was a win for the Confederation, as they were seen to be the most active and tactical army. Room 3, Inside Mine, was a win for SS as they took more advantage of their skills, putting up a great fight. In overtime, the Confederation took the win as their overall performance was perceived to be better than SS, taking advantage of their size. Ultimately, the winner of this battle and the war were PIC and their allies.

Following the battle, the Confederation and their allies placed a force treaty upon Secret Service. The terms also impacted the Service’s colony, Squids. The treaty will see peace between the five armies until August 23 but will this be the last war between the two sides?

PIC vs Secret Service


3. Jojo and Shpec Promoted To Head Judge

Written by Coolguy

On July 22, Club Penguin Army Judges announced a major change within its ranks. After approximately 10 days in training, the duo of Shpec and Jojo Teri were promoted to Head Judge. Jojo and Shpec originally joined CPAJ in 2022. Since joining, Shpec has judged over 70 battles and has been a key figure within the organisation. Jojo has judged over 40 and, like Shpec, has been an active figure within CPAJ.

Both of these individuals have different stories to tell and different journeys. However, one thing is clear, they have been crucial members of Club Penguin Army Judges and deserve their promotion to Head Judge. From here, it is clear that they will remain key members of the community, ensuring that judging is accessible for every army.

Spotty announcing Jojo and Shpec’s promotion

2. CPA Celebrates Its Second Anniversary

Written by Coolguy

July 1 marked a special moment for Club Penguin Armies. On July 1 2022, Club Penguin Armies was formed and did the impossible. At the time, many leagues had come and gone. Many media outlets also disappeared with them. However, the formation of Club Penguin Armies saw a change in the tides, a chance for unity and stability. Two years have passed and Club Penguin Armies is at the centre of the community, seeing the community united and active. Many pioneers have come and gone but their legacy remains. Here’s to many more moments and memories!

Designed by Mchappy

1. Edu Departs Elite Guardians; Joins Water Vikings HCOM

Written by Coolguy

Following a successful run in the Elite Guardians as both an advisor and Leader, Edu resigned from his leadership position and opted for a new journey outside of the army. On July 14, the Water Vikings announced that Edu would officially become a Second In Command within the army. The move took many people by surprise because Edu spent many years building his army (EGCP) to become a major player within the community.

Under his recent leadership, he helped the army to secure the Around The World Cup. Alongside this, he helped them to win many wars. However, will Edu be able to bring this experience to the Vikings and help them to succeed once again?

Aaronstone announcing Edu’s arrival

July is finally over and the top five moments are set in stone. With that being said, we now look towards August. Following on from the Legends Cup, what rivalries will be renewed? What wars will break out? Who will be the standout army of the month? All is to play for now that tournament season is over. What were your top five moments of the month? Be sure to let us know!

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