Aliens Rise to Major Status

The recently revived Aliens have been making a significant impact on the community. Their activities, hype, and events have rapidly propelled them to the status of Major Army.


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The Aliens of Club Penguin returned to the army community on June 24, 2024, with their reopening event, paving the way for their journey ahead after four years of shutdown. Initially maxing 17, they marked their return, hosting multiple events, through which they grew and maintained average sizes of 20 to 25. Being able to average above 20 for three consecutive weeks consistently has landed them the prestigious Major Army status.

The Aliens in a recent event

The Aliens gathered around the SquidsSecret Service, and Special Weapons And Tactics to revive the International United Armies alliance and serve the Small/Medium community in June 2024, shortly after their reopening. This assisted the Aliens in their growth, until the recent shutdown of the alliance on July 26. 

Hosting exciting events on Club Penguin Journey, the Aliens found success, with events reaching maxes up to 40. They have also fortified their army’s strength through hosting trainings and practice battles on CPA: Battleground. Their consistent efforts and sizes have enabled them to attain somewhat high scores in the past Top Ten results, sometimes higher than some well-known Major armies.

Aliens attaining Third place in a recent Top Ten

Club Penguin Armies was granted the opportunity to reach out to Aliens’ leader, Bestpenguin, to capture his thoughts on achieving this milestone.

Congratulations! How do you feel about this accomplishment?

Thanks, I feel great about this accomplishment. I’m proud of each and every alien member for helping us to reach the major status. I’m happy aliens are major once again after 4 years, all of my staff worked really hard for this achievement.

That’s absolutely wonderful! Now, what do you think contributed the most to you becoming Major?

My old staff members Minli, Missnova, Void, and I were very determined to make Aliens a major army once again. Aliens hold a special place in our hearts, and we wanted to relive the nostalgia. We hosted numerous events each week to achieve a higher position in TT. Our consistency, dedication, and the quality and creativity of our events were key factors in our success. We hosted all our creative events on CPJ because it offers a wide variety of events to host and helps us recruit new members for our army. Recently, we organized musical chairs, Trivia and snowball fight competition on CPJ, which were quite fun. Additionally, the friendly and family-like environment within Aliens has significantly contributed to making us a major army once again.

Wow, amazing! What are your future plans as a Major army?

Thank you. Our goal is to grow and make aliens more fun, strengthening the bonds among our members as a family while spreading peace and love within the CPA community. We want to demonstrate that armies are not just about size and wars but also about love, care, and the connections we share with everyone in the community.

Thank you very much for your insight! Are there any messages you wish to leave to the army community?

My only message to the army community is to respect and love everyone. There’s no point in hating each other when we don’t even know each other in real life. Let’s give up the hate and toxicity, and enjoy the nostalgia of Club Penguin armies together! 💞

The Aliens have made their goals very clear, intending to increase growth and bonding within their community. With their spread of positivity, they show no desire to back down from any obstacles that may lie ahead. We, at Club Penguin Armies, wish the best to the Aliens in their upcoming endeavors. Can the Aliens establish themselves as a dominant force among the major armies in the community? Do YOU think they will sustain their status as a major army over time?


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certified curry muncher. 😋

3 Responses

  1. Fun X Time August 7, 2024 (10:44 am)

    Great strides, Aliens!

  2. […] and an alliance continues its rejuvenation. On the other hand, following Aliens’ recent upgrade to major status, this puts a lasting impression on Aliens’ speedy rise. The pair have been […]

  3. […] just one month of their return, the Aliens achieved Major Army status, consistently ranking high in the weekly Top Ten, with several appearances in the […]

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