Unsurprisingly, the newly-revived Secret Service is playing a huge part in the community. Their activity, hype, and events finally led them to become a Major Army quickly after reopening.

Designed by Master DS
The Secret Service managed to get 41 penguins during their revival event and the Agents were able to maintain the high sizes most of the time. All their events so far had over 20 people with two exceptions being their two training events where they were able to get 14 and 18 penguins online, respectively. In their opening post, SS leader TD999 mentioned: “We are here to shake up the community again“. And they did it. In just three days, massive controversies arose, with the Agents being at the center of it all. On July 11, the Sapphire Concordat declared war on them. after many allegations, the July Jeopardy War started. This war further boosted their attendance. They were not successful in their sole defense but managed to take three armies into overtime.

Defense of Migrator
SS also found success in their Club Penguin Journey event. From there, they were able to get many people to join their army. Alliances with the Aliens and the Special Weapons and Tactics also played a huge part in their success. In a previous article, TD999 mentioned that they “improved on a lot of aspects from the previous gens“. He also stated that they hired a very dedicated staff team, which contributed a lot to their rise. We should also mention that their opening was during the Legends Cup XIV. These are the times when the community activity is at its peak. This, of course, caused SS to be more hyped up by the army community.

Practice Battle with SWAT
After securing a size average of 20+ for three consecutive weeks, the Secret Service finally attained its so-desired reclassification to Major Army status last Sunday. In light of this fact, Club Penguin Armies got a special interview with the commanders of the SS to talk about this huge achievement.
Congratulations on this wonderful achievement! In your opinion what was the main reason for your success and what can you say about all the agents in the army?
Were these the results you were expecting? What other huge achievements are the secret agents aiming for?
TD999: We were expecting better and there’s room to improve reaching far greater heights. All of us are dedicated to the cause. We are aiming for nothing less than #1.
Do you have any motivational messages for your troops?
Joel: Keep pushing SS! We are on the verge of army history. We are almost at #1, and we took the largest alliance in cpa to OT when we were 3 days old, we have got this SS. Intentions Classified.
TD999: Keep fighting! We will make CPA great again.
Lastly, what can you say to the whole army community?
Joel: To the whole army community I say, SS is about to dominate cpa.
TD999: Be freaky. Intentions Classified.
In just 3 weeks, the Agents managed to achieve Major status, stir up conflicts, and gain popularity. Nevertheless, they show no signs of stopping and are aiming to reach higher to “dominate CPA“. What can the community expect from them? Do YOU believe more wars are yet to come?
Congratulations, Secret Service! Great to see the rise—it’s wholesome.