History Hot Seat: Do You Really Know Your Army’s History?

Welcome to History Hot Seat, where we challenge army leaders and veterans on their knowledge. For this edition, we have Jojo Teri, the leader of the People’s Imperial Confederation in the hot seat to test his expertise on his army.

Designed by Master DS

Army Background

Jojo Teri joined the People’s Imperial Confederation on January 9, accepting the rank of Leader in Training. Before this, he was most notable for leading the Water Vikings and the Lime Green Army. He also held the rank of High-Command in other armies such as Ice Warriors, and Special Weapons and Tactics.

At the time, Jojo was a leader of the Water Vikings, he enjoyed the PIC community and developed an interest in it during the summer of 2023. Although he enjoyed the PIC community, he remained loyal to the Vikings. However, over time, he decided to fully retire from his leadership role on November 20, 2023.

Battle over Alabama during World War IX – WV vs. ACP

current period

Once retired, Jojo’s interest in PIC grew significantly, particularly because he saw great potential in the army and wanted to contribute to its success. He joined PIC as a Leader-in-Training on January 9. Due to his ambitious personality and consistent contributions to the army’s success, he quickly made an impact. As a result, he was promoted to leader alongside Saber on January 22.

Sweater announcing Jojo’s and Saber’s induction

Throughout his time in PIC, Jojo and his co-leaders reached their ultimate goal of becoming a major status on June 23. This milestone was a key success under Jojo’s leadership. Additionally, PIC won two tournaments: the New Year Bonanza and the Around The World Cup. Moreover, PIC won multiple wars this year against the Penguins of Madagascar, Winged Hussars, and SWAT.

Currently, Jojo Teri holds the rank of Commander-in-Chief in PIC and serves as a Moderator for Club Penguin Armies. In his moderation role, he continues to maintain a secure and positive environment. Additionally, Club Penguin Army Judges promoted Jojo to Head Judge alongside Shpec on July 21 for their outstanding performance.

Spotty announcing new Head Judges


Jojo Teri is quickly becoming one of the most iconic figures of this generation, holding many important roles within both the league and his army. Currently focusing on his role as a leader in PIC, Jojo has been leading the army for six months. Although he has been at the helm for half a year, it’s time to put Jojo to the test to see if he truly is an expert on his own army. The history hot seat will be quizzing Jojo with questions about PIC’s past.

Club Penguin Armies recently reached out to see if Jojo Teri would accept the challenge of being the first individual in the army community to test his knowledge in the hot seat. He agreed to take on the challenge.

First off, who were the two founders of PIC?

Sidie and proditor or sth like that


Which army did PIC war first?

Rfcp (?)

Incorrect: ACP was the first army PIC warred against

How many times has Sidie9 led PIC?


Incorrect: Sidie9 has led PIC 5 times

What is your nation’s capital?



How much generations has PIC had?

4 gens


How many different iterations of uniforms has PIC had?


Incorrect: PIC has had 8 uniform iterations including CPAB

Do you know your army’s motto?

For the people


Jojo Teri’s reaction after being in the hot seat

Well, Jojo, let’s see how ‘cooked’ you actually are! Out of these seven questions, Jojo got four correct. One could say that he is definitely cooked. However, the history hot seat is not only a great way to test one’s knowledge but also helps educate army leaders like Jojo and the entire community on important historical aspects within an army.

When leading armies, it’s extremely important to know the roots to better understand your own army and how it functions. Just like in real life, identifying our backgrounds and roots can give individuals a deeper understanding of their own identity. Who do YOU want to see next in the hot seat? Do you think Jojo Teri needs to take a history class on PIC?

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One Response

  1. Pain of War July 28, 2024 (3:06 am)

    “how cooked am i” lmao, good job to jojo

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