Club Penguin Armies Breaks Post Record For Second Anniversary

Club Penguin Armies is proud to announce that we were able to break the previous post record, setting a new record of 91. A dream that was once thought as far too difficult was now a reality, thanks to the guidance of the reporting heads.

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Last year, specifically June 2023, was an exciting time for the media department at Club Penguin Armies (CPA). The league was coming off an extremely successful April and May; at the time, both were the top two months with the highest number of posts. It was only natural to go for another record. Thanks to a hardworking team, including Memorable Member Scorpion Demon, the league was able to set the record of 80 posts in one month.

Posting activity leading up to Disha and Mchappy’s inauguration into the administration

While this feat may seem silly to most, it was thrilling for the team. It’s hard to translate how it felt counting down each post. And with our team stronger than ever, we decided that it could be done again. I remember asking myself, “Would it even be possible to hit 100 posts in one month?” In the end, we made history. June 2024 is now the top performing month with 91 published posts.

The bar is set

Although this is an accomplishment other leagues before us have hit, we are nevertheless so proud of how far this organization has come. We have never had the benefits of a team working completely remote from home while a pandemic . In fact, there have been many attempts to dismantle Club Penguin Armies from even existing. But, for some reason, it never works. Club Penguin Armies stands stronger than ever before. Even now, it is only the 14th day into July and we have outperformed practically every 2022 month.

I’ve asked a few reporters who helped us achieve this goal to share some kind words, as a memento.

Aurora: The requirements [being on the media department] are pretty reasonable and I’ll likely be able to manage school when it’s time go back. I’ve enjoyed the staff team that works vey hard. Great job fellow staff on the work you achieved this month!

Lass: I must say that the experience of being in the media team is one of growth. I have learned about several topics such as etiquette and writing, combined with how helpful the editors are, the learning process was smooth. Overall, I feel like this enhanced me, because it really emphasizes my professionalism. Despite this being just a way of noticing recent news in Club Penguin Armies, that does not mean we cannot make it fun and well made. I do not have much time to be on the team now as much as I had when I started, but I plan on helping in any way, shape or form during my stay.

For the team, I would like to congratulate everyone who spent their efforts (and some of their life time) towards completing the post goal. I hope we can hit a higher record in the future. This recent rise shall be expanded further upon by the reporters, editors and administration.

Mabel: Honestly, I wish I had done far more than one post- life gets busy- but working with this team for as many months as I have has been such a great experience, even though stupid Edu14463 is apart of the team, aside from that the rest of it is enjoyable. Congratulations to the rest of us on this journey and those who definitely put in a lot of effort to push for the goal this month.

Mocha: My experience in the media department is amazing so far it’s improved how I write and it’s expanded my vocabulary. As for the team, congratulations you all! You’ve all worked so hard for this.

NIKO: This is truly a historical moment not just for the CPA team, but for the whole community! I want to say congratulations to everyone. For the past month, the whole team worked non-stop. I truly admire everyone’s diligence and skills, and I want to give everyone a special thank you. YOU are the core of the armies, a legendary team who lives up to its name. I cannot even express how amazing the whole team is. Everyone’s names will go down in history of armies. This team has so much passion and love for what they do, and I am proud to be a part of this group. Remember, if you want to achieve anything, do it with passion and determination! I want to mention that this is only JUST THE BEGINNING. We will break even more records and reach unbelievable heights.

The top writer of the month was none other than Edu14463, working on 22 posts. Thanks to his leadership, we were able to finish the month in spectacular fashion. Through his hard work in keeping us on track to goal, Edu14463 was promoted to Managing Editor. Additionally, as the top poster of the month, I asked him for a few words as well.

I’ve been involved in Club Penguin media related affairs ever since my childhood; it all started in 2012, when I created a website of my own to report on cheats and updates. The years have passed and I managed to work in notorious websites within the Portuguese community. However, none of them were army related. It was upon my return in 2023 that I found a proper league that opened its doors for the community to get involved in its departments. And I couldn’t resist the temptation to join the reporting team (it was August 2023, if I’m not mistaken) and try something new.

I can say my experience within the organization has been full of ups and downs. But that’s precisely how life is. Luckily, however, I can safely say I had more ups than downs ever since taking the position of editor. Writing is more than a mere task. It can be life-changing skill. Language- shall it be written or verbalized- is how we express our thoughts; as an editor, I got the chance to mentor many reporters in how to properly express their ideas through an organized writing. It’s simply beautiful to witness reporters making progress, striving to communicate better, to write as if they were writing for New York Times, but in fact it’s just Club Penguin Armies. It’s amazing! And I feel like a grandpa when I see many of my mentored reporters now a part of the editing team.

Writing for CPA allowed me to work with amazing people and teach new writers a fundamental skill to their lives: communication. The milestone of 91 posts written in June 2024 is just a symbol of our union and hard work as a team. I commend all of the reporters (cartoonists included, love you my dears), co-editors, and the administration for the efforts put in the organization. Undoubtedly this is now my favorite media experience, incomparable to my first experiences when I was only a child.

And, just to toot my own horn, I was the second in most posts for the month. Regardless, it is important that we celebrate moments like these to remind ourselves how far we’ve come. Yet, there is still so much farther to go. What were some of your stand out posts? 


Chief Executive Producer

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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  1. […] were broken as they managed to shatter the record of posts per month. Together with this under his and […]

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