Memorable Moments With Wynn

Wynn is a highly influential individual in the army community and has an outstanding demeanor. In this week’s column of Memorable Moments, we reached out to Wynn to find out about her experiences and favorite moments of serving in the army community.

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beginning of JOURNEY  

Wynn’s army journey started in March 2020 when she enlisted as a member of the Help Force. She quickly rose through the ranks, surpassing other staff members in promotions. Wynn climbed through the ranks rapidly, and in November 2021, her hard work and ambition were recognized, leading to her promotion to Leader-in-Training.

Shortly afterward, Wynn was promoted as the next HF leader in the winter of 2021. Under her and Snowy’s guidance, HF navigated through numerous tournaments in rapid succession. This demonstrated their effective command shortly after Wynn was granted commandership. Together, they made it to the March Madness final in 2022, and in under two weeks of her leadership, the Helpers hit first on the top 10. Also, after Flash died, HF achieved a maximum of 65+ under her direction.

March Madness Finals 2022


On October 15, 2022 Wynn stepped down from her leadership position in HF. Although she stepped down from leading HF, Wynn served as a Head Judge for Club Penguin Army Judges from October 2022 through May 2023. Additionally, she played a crucial part in Club Penguin Armies, serving as an Administrator from December 2022 to October 2023.

Wynn’s Retirement Event

During Wynn’s tenure as an administrator, she took on the crucial task of removing two administrators. This step was part of a broader effort to reorganize CPA and bring about much-needed stability. Building on these efforts, Wynn introduced the AUSIA Arena, implementing a completely new tournament formula.

Moreover, she continued to showcase her organizational prowess. This was evident through her successful management of several significant community events, including the census, summer awards, and Legends Cup. Beyond these achievements, she played a crucial role in rebuilding the media.

Given Wynn’s contributions to providing stability within the community, her tenure as administrator might have even surpassed her influential leadership role in the Help Force. Notably, her exceptional contributions led her to be a runner-up for POTY in 2023

Wynn POTY Runner-up 2023 Award


On January 21, the league awarded Wynn the title of Memorable Member, a Hall of Fame role given only to those who made a positive impact on the CPA organization and contributed to its success. The league recognized Wynn as one of the best administrators, praising her for keeping the organization afloat.

Wynn Memorable Member

Despite retiring from her administrative position, Wynn continues to play a vital role in supporting the league. As an Advisor, her valuable advice and assistance with graphics have a profound impact. Her ongoing involvement significantly enhances the league’s operations and fosters a collaborative environment. As a result, her contributions prove crucial to the league’s continued success.

Club Penguin Armies contacted Wynn to inquire about her favorite memories within the community.

What are your most memorable moments in the army community?

It’s really hard to pick anything specific… One of the first things that came to my mind was my retirement from admin though. I received more kind words or small gifts than I expected. I was also the most proud to be given all the appreciation, especially from the people who saw me working closely, and who I have a huge respect for.

What motivated you to become an admin at a CPA organization?

Ultimately I think pursuing new experiences and the will to test myself were what always motivated me. I thought I was capable and could put my skills to good use. I played a small part in the CPA’s creation, so I wanted it to thrive. Oh, and also, Max motivated me, I was pretty reluctant to agree for a while.

Did you enjoy your time in Club Penguin Armies? Do you think it was enough to fulfill your dreams?

I enjoyed it, a lot at some moments. Can’t exactly call any of the goals that I had “dreams”, but yes, I think my time here was long enough and there is nothing left for me to do. I achieved more than I thought I would.

Can we know your favorite war, fight, or tournament in Help Force, and why?

Probably the first part of the war against the Silver Empire. I was having fun, working hard, and learning what a war means in this community. If I remember correctly, I was promoted to 3ic during the conflict. Also, it had a lot of great propaganda and some espionage tasks.

If you get an opportunity to join the Club Penguin Army again in the Future will you accept it?

Not. My time in armies is over and I’m leaving again soon.

Wynn has clearly made significant contributions to the development of not just Help Force, but also Club Penguin Armies. Her contribution for going above and beyond to make this the greatest league will always be valued. We hope she has success in all of her future pursuits. What are your thoughts of the league under Wynn? Which of your moments with her stand out as your favorite?

Ninja Leader
Reporter in Training

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