Welcome back to Club Penguin Armies’ Five Days of Trivia. In this mini-column, we will ask the community five questions over five days to see who the ultimate Trivia Tyrant is!
Designed by Edu
Welcome to Day Two! If you’re unaware, we are testing the community’s trivia knowledge to celebrate Club Penguin Armies’ two-year anniversary! Every day, a new question will be posted. The first five correct answers will receive points. To recap how the scoring works, check out day one here!
Yesterday’s Answer:
DMT, Orange, LuciferStar, Spotty, Crazzy & Max!
- First: Doopus [5]
- Second: Mare [4]
- Third: Scars [3]
- Fourth: Edu [2]
- Fifth: Spotty [1]
Congratulations to these five!
Today’s Question:
In 2023, how many different armies were able to claim #1 on the weekly Top Ten?
To enter, comment your answer on this post. Discord DMs will not be accepted, just website comments. Please note that all IPs and emails are hidden when commenting on the website. Not even Mchappy can access them! The next question will be posted tomorrow, 11 July, at 5:00 pm UK.
8 armies
10 armies in total: TCP, RPF, HF, IW, DCP, WV, DV, ACP, SWAT, and EGCP
CLOCK THAT, 10 were able
8 armies
um um 10 armies
10 armies !!
ten armies! 2 of which were from anniversary events