In celebration of the Anniversary Music Jam Week, we are hosting a scavenger hunt on our website. The return of the legendary website scavenger hunt will have community members scrambling to unscramble the hidden phrase.

Designed by Wynn
How to Play
There are eight letters hidden in various locations across the Club Penguin Armies website. Once you have found a letter, you must screenshot its location. Finally, after collecting all the letters, you must organize them into the correct phrase to complete the Anniversary Music Jam Scavenger Hunt.
- You must take a screenshot of every letter found and direct message them to Aubz, Coolguy, Frickle, or Mchappy once you have completed the entire hunt.
- You must submit the location of every single letter alongside its letter; example: “Map page – letter X.”
- You must submit the full word as your final answer and to confirm your successful entry.
- You CANNOT share answers with other members. People found sharing answers will be disqualified from the event.
- All letters must be submitted with all the information at the same time.
- You must submit your screenshots, locations, and final answer by the deadline given. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Example record
Entries must be submitted by 6pm EST on Saturday, July 13 to be eligible. For completing this scavenger hunt, participants will earn a temporary, exclusive Discord role. In order to complete your task, a hint is to check administrative statement and otherwise important pages, posts.
Good luck to all of those who will be on the hunt! Much thanks to Community Committee Heads Aubz and Frickle for being a part of this process, and thank you to all who support the league. Will you be the first one to unscramble the mystery?
Chief Executive Producer