Army Rivalries: Army of Club Penguin and Special Weapons and Tactics

Welcome to the sixth edition of Army Rivalries, the column in which we examine historical conflicts between armies. In this edition, we will look at the conflicts between the Army of Club Penguin and the Special Weapons and Tactics.

Designed by Wynn


The Army of Club Penguin and Special Weapons and Tactics had many conflicts during the original Club Penguin era. With SWAT’s creation in July 2009 by Ganger90, the two armies came into immediate conflict over the ownership of Mammoth on Club Penguin. The following years saw several conflicts between the two where ACP typically came out on top. Both armies closed their doors as many other armies did due to Club Penguin’s shutdown.

Two years after CP’s shutdown, the Clovers came back on September 29th, 2019 on Club Penguin Rewritten. On the other hand, SWAT came back in March 2020 on Club Penguin Online during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not long after, SWAT merged into Doritos of Club Penguin after a sharp decrease in their sizes after CPO’s closure in May 2020. The merger was short-lived as it was deemed invalid by Ganger90. The army quickly returned under the leadership of Sweater, Sophy Bee, Izzy, and Fast on May 30, 2020. Two months later, Club Penguin Army Hub opened as the first unified league of the Club Penguin Private Server era. The new league created new opportunities for armies that had been on different CPPS to finally interact.

SWAT Re-opening Event

Flash-Nemesis War

Throughout 2020, the armies seemed to have repaired relations. By December, there were real fears that the future of armies was in jeopardy. These concerns were due to Adobe Flash’s loss of support in 2021. Consequently, ACP aimed to finish the year with a bang by declaring on SWAT on December 26. ACP had lost to Help Force in the Aces of AUSIA finals in the week prior. The war was a way to rejuvenate the army from the loss and generate hype against one of the army’s historical rivals. The Clovers declaration alleged SWAT engaged in constant trash talk and accused the army of cheating. Regardless of the reasons,  it surprised SWAT given the better relations the two armies achieved over the year’s course. SWAT responded with a criticism of CP’s involvement in their war against Pizza Federation in the weeks before.

ACP Declaration of SWAT


On December 27, 2020, ACP had their first battle against SWAT, fighting for the invasion of Cozy. The next day, the two armies engaged in fierce battles for Hockey and Avalanche. These servers were both owned by SWAT and each battle resulted in an ACP victory.  ACP then successfully defended Avalanche and took over the server of Lucky. Lastly, the Clovers expanded their territory further with an invasion of the SWAT servers of Nevisca and Mittens.

The invasion of Nevisca was the last battle held on Club Penguin Armies of which ended with the Clovers as the victors. Lastly, the invasion of Mittens was the last battle held within the Flash era that was hosted on the CPPS, Frosty. Due to SWAT not showing up for this invasion, ACP ended with a 7-0-0 victory, concluding the Flash-Nemesis War. The battles saw ACP max 66, 42, 54, 48, 31, 60, and 35 troops respectively. Comparatively, SWAT maxed 24, 18, 27, 35, and 7 respectively. Most importantly, the war ended the Flash era for armies.


The victorious ACP leadership authored a treaty that stopped conflict until March 31, 2021. Unlike many treaties, the Flash-Nemesis War treaty was agreed on by both parties as a non-force treaty. The treaty also prevented SWAT from continuing the Special Weapons and Toppings War with PZF. Both parties were prohibited from invading one another until the conclusion of the treaty.

Flash Nemesis War Treaty


ACP’s rivalry with SWAT has been one of CPA’s hallmarks since SWAT’s creation. Rivalries like these keep the community interesting and make people want to come back for more in the future. The Flash-Nemesis War ended up being the only one-on-one war between the two in the CPPS era. What do YOU think of the rivalry? What are YOUR thoughts on the Flash Nemesis War?



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One Response

  1. […] Penguin Armies. She joined the team on May 20th, 2024 and has written several posts, mostly for the Army Rivalries and Picture Perfect columns. Aurora is also busy studying in college while looking after her cat, […]

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