On June 23rd, a practice battle between the Army of Club Penguin and the Rebel Penguin Federation took place. As the Legends Cup XIV tournament is around the corner, let us watch the two armies preparing for their upcoming battle.

Designed by Edu14463
Docks – Rebel Penguin Federation

The Clovers are in an unclear plus formation, and the Rebels are in an upside-down V.
The first room saw the Army of Club Penguin enter the room first. The Rebel Penguin Federation made an upside-down V, while ACP in a plus. The sizes 22-16, are in favor of RPF. ACP’s formation was very difficult for the judges to decipher, as agreed upon by them. RPF was the first to make a move in the battle. Subsequently, they made a neat line at the bottom of the room. Sizes were now 24-15, in favor of the Rebels. However, the Rebels’ formation seemed to cover their opponent quite well. After some movement, ACP illustrated an X and the RPF built a plus. Overall, this room saw RPF use their size advantage to their benefit, due to their neater formations and excellent speed. However, ACP struggled to make formations. The room’s victor was considered to be the Rebels.
Inside Mine – Tie

The Clovers are in a V formation, and the Rebels are in a plus.
Once again, ACP entered the room and shortly entered into an upside-down T. On the other hand, RPF made an arrow. Sizes were now 21-17, in favor of RPF. Changes in the sizes seemed to have slightly benefitted ACP. After RPF made a move, they worked an upside-down triangle, while ACP, had an upside-down Y. However, RPF moved once more and built an upside-down T. Certainly, RPF made a quick movement. ACP made an upside-down L while enduring troops being out of formation. A big gap was identified in the sizes, as the sizes deferred to 25-15, still in favor of the Rebels. Both armies seemed insecure in this room, and both moved too frequently and spent less time in forms than in the previous room. RPF failed to use its size advantage in this room, and the verdict of the room was considered a tie.
Iceberg – Rebel Penguin Federation

The Clovers are in an upside-down T formation, and the Rebels are in an upside-down V.
This room was not quite interesting, as the Rebel Penguin Federation portrayed a clean show. Although ACP entered first, sizes were 25-20, yet still in favor of the RPF. The Clovers developed an upside-down V, while the RPF structured an upside-down V. RPF moved and slowly made an X, while the judges struggled to figure out ACP’s form, which was assumed an angle. This room was not unique, as the armies followed the same pattern they used in the first room. This would be classified as a lack of creativity. Except, RPF made better forms and had significantly more active troops. Therefore, the Rebels claimed victory in this room.
This practice battle saw the Rebel Penguin Federation bring a win home. The win might be satisfactory to the Rebels. However, it must also be understood that the Army of Club Penguin may realize their mistakes, and may be planning out a better strategy in the Legends Cup XIV. Or, will the Rebels confidently put up another good show? Do you agree with the verdict of this practice battle? Which of the two do you think will manage to win the battle in the tournament?
Fun X Time
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