Armies Host Personal Prides

With June soon ending, Club Penguin Armies revisits some of the community’s army-hosted Prides that occurred throughout the month. On Saturday, June 15, the Community Pride Parade was able to set a new record in attendance.

Designed by Wynn

Club Penguin Armies has been covering all month the importance of Pride Month. As is tradition, the league hosted its fourth annual Community Pride Parade in celebration of all things that make individuals unique. With over 92 people in attendance, we took our parade to Club Penguin Journey who graciously welcomed us with open arms. It was a unique community event experience like no other, and one that we will remember for a long time to come.

The community successfully makes a rainbow star

Outside of the community hosted events, many armies participated in their own pride events. While not every army dons rainbow colors, there was no shortage of Pride events to check out around the community.

Army of Club Penguin, infamously known as gayCP, held a Pride Parade on June 9. Their troops were encouraged to dress freely, where they recorded a max size of 25. The event ended with prideful chanting at the Ice Berg. Additionally, the Clovers are known for co-hosting the first Community Pride Parade.

Love bombing

Help Force showed up in rainbows and puffles to celebrate their Pride, also 25 in attendance. The army even handed out Pride role medals on their Discord server to commemorate the event.

Pride illuminati triangle

On the other hand, Rebel Penguin Federation celebrated much earlier: hosting an event on June 1. The Rebels encouraged their members to dress as Pride flags, whatever that meant for them personally. In the end, 29 would show up to make a strong rainbow formation.

The biggest personal Pride event of the year

Finally, the Winged Hussars (WH) took celebrations even a step further. The Polish army raised money to donate to a local LGBT+ charity that is renovating a safe space for its community members. For their event, Hussars’ leadership promised to donate 8 zloty per attendee. After maxing 10, they donated 80 zloty which translates to $20.

Thank you for supporting a great cause

Club Penguin Armies sat down with Snork, Winged Hussars’ leader, to learn more about their fundraising.

What led your army to decide to hold this fundraiser?

We’ve been wanting to do a charity event for a while, but we’ve had hectic schedules for the last couple months and it just never got to happen unfortunately. With June being Pride month, it seemed likely that we would be celebrating the occasion anyway, and a perfect time to support a good cause. My fellow Monarch and Polish resident Shinzo suggested that we support Kultura Równości and it was decided upon pretty quickly as it was a local group, and one with very tangible goals. We’re pleased with how it’s gone and it definitely won’t be our last fundraiser.

Why is it important to your army to donate to a cause, specifically in the context of Poland’s LGBT+ laws?

Poland is one of the more conservative countries in Europe, especially when it comes to attitudes towards the LGBT+ community. My hope is that bigger change will come in time, but even recently there has been incredible hostility towards the community (for example, with the “LGBT-Free Zones”). I want the LGBT+ community to have a place where they feel safe, where they feel welcome, and not so alone in the struggles they may be facing. If our army’s donation can help that then we’ll be happy.

Why is Pride important to you?

I’m a member of the LGBT+ community who grew up in a very close-minded area of Ireland. On becoming an adult, it’s been great to see so many people celebrate who they are and come out in support of the community. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs but I’m so grateful to be surrounded by allies. We want WH to be a space free from discrimination, where people can be happy for who they are, and if we can spread the love and support outside of our circle too then that’s great.

It was my first time hearing of such “LGBT-Free Zones” in a country like Poland. It makes me happy to know that, regardless of the state the community is in, there is always these special moments where we come together to celebrate one another. Were you as surprised as the administration that the community successfully made a rainbow star?


Chief Executive Producer

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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