Club Penguin Armies Pride Parade 2024 Recap

On Saturday, Club Penguin Armies hosted its annual Pride Parade. In this post, we will take a look at the events that took place during the parade.

Designed by Wynn

In 2021, Army legend Max initiated a way to celebrate Pride Month with the LGBTQIA+ community. The Army of Club Penguin co-hosted a Pride Week event in honor of Pride Month and LGBTQIA+ individuals. The event took place on June 5, 2021, on Club Penguin Rewritten’s Ascent server and was also supported by the administrators of Club Penguin Army HQ and Club Penguin Army Hub. The armies participating included ACP, Help Force, Doritos of Club Penguin, Fire Warriors, Golden Troops, People’s Imperial Confederation, Rebel Penguin Federation, Red Ravagers, Silver Empire, and the Water Vikings. At the inaugural parade, many army members wore different rainbow colors.

2021 Pride Parade on CPR

Since 2021, the army community has continued celebrating Pride Month each June. Most recently, on June 15, Club Penguin Armies hosted their annual Pride Parade, kicking it off by logging on to Club Penguin Battleground. Five armies participated in this event: ACP, HF, PIC, RPF, and Special Weapons and Tactics. Chief Executive Producer and Army legend Mchappy, along with other army leaders, were in charge of leading tactics and formations throughout the event. CPAB saw an impressive turnout with 92 users participating online.

CPAB Size Check

The army community started with a star-shaped formation. Individuals were dressed in the appropriate colors for their assigned points of the star. Next, they formed a circle, with the armies surrounding the iceberg. Lastly, to conclude the formation and tactics segment on CPAB, the army community formed a heart shape.

In the final segment of CPAB, a lively drag show featured participants dressed as either Drag Queens or Drag Kings. After this showcase, the CPA Admins proceeded to crown those with the most impressive outfits as Drag Queen and Drag King in the server. Once all contestants had submitted their outfits, everyone eagerly awaited the announcement. Finally, Mchappy announced Dhanush as the Drag Queen and Scorp as the King, officially crowning them both.

Mchappy Announcing Drag Queen and King

To wrap up the event, the final part of the Pride Parade involved everyone from the army community logging on to Club Penguin Journey. This was made possible thanks to Developer and Moderator of CPJ, Drop.

During the army community’s time in CPJ, army members marched across the map. First, they began their journey at the Cove. Next, they proceeded through the Forest, then moved on to the Plaza, and subsequently the Pizza Parlor. Afterward, they continued to the Town and Dance Club. Following this, they advanced to the Docks, and then to the Beach. Finally, they reached the Ice Berg. Additionally, due to the large number of army members, CPJ community members also joined in to celebrate the Pride Parade.

Club Penguin Armies decided to reach out to Mchappy to hear his thoughts about the Pride Parade.

Why did you choose CPJourney for the second part of the Pride Parade?

I reached out to Club Penguin Journey as there have been a lot of valid points brought up about the lack of diversity in Club Penguin Armies. Specifically speaking in the small-medium army community. By expanding our reaches to have Club Penguin Armies include Club Penguin Journey in our annual, or daily, activities then it fosters a better relationship with a private server that has a larger supply of new faces that could potentially join our community. However, it is less about the recruiting and more about fostering good relations with various communities.

Why is the Pride Parade significant for Club Penguin Armies?

I believe the Community Pride Parade is so special is that it allows a time during summer (which is already a competitive time) for all armies to come together and celebrate something. Pride can mean a lot of things, and ultimately it is a time for us to be proud and live authentically. However, even though the community is a lot more accepting that it was compared to when I was first in armies, it is not enough. There are still many armies that refuse to acknowledge Pride Month. While people may have different views across the world, it is important to remember that the uniqueness of humanity is that we are all so different from one another. Celebrating these differences is a part of Pride. There’s much work to be done if we want to advocate for a safer community for all involved.

This year’s pride parade was a huge success. Participants enjoyed themselves and expressed their LGBTQIA+ support through their attendance and participation in the activities. CPA would like to extend their gratitude to all the helpers throughout the event, including the CPA Admins, army leaders, community committee heads, and CPJ Staff. Additionally, CPA extends a sincere thanks to all those participating in the Pride Parade. What did you think about this year’s Pride Parade? Are there any suggestions or additions you would like to see for next year’s event?

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2 Responses

  1. QuallyDolly June 19, 2024 (2:24 pm)

    i was here

  2. […] Armies has been covering all month the importance of Pride Month. As is tradition, the league hosted its fourth annual Community Pride Parade in celebration of all things that make individuals unique. With over 92 people in attendance, we […]

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