Templars Launch Crusade Against Agents

After the Special Weapons and Tactics announced their invalid war against the Dark Pirates, Templars had come to their ally’s rescue. This declaration will allow TCP to join the conflict between two Small/Medium armies.

Designed by Dino

On June 9th, the server map officially launched , with multiple wars breaking out simultaneously. The Special Weapons and Tactics attempted to release a war declaration against the Dark Pirates. However, their war was deemed invalid for only seconds, as the Templars were faster, declaring on the Agents first.

SWAT Fails to Declare on DP

In their declaration post, Templars Grand Prior Sidie9 mentioned several reasons why they chose to declare war on SWAT. First of all, she mentioned that in order to ensure the expansion of the ‘Holy Empire’, TCP needed to invade enemy land; and given their rocky past, SWAT was the best option. Furthermore, this was not the first time the Agents hinted at a war declaration against the Pirates. Thus, knowing this, the Knights had to come to their ally’s rescue.

It was on Monday, June 10th, that the first battle of the war was supposed to take place. Only ‘supposed to’, because the Special Weapons decided not to show up, virtually allowing TCP to take control of their server Blizzard. The Templars have scheduled another invasion for tomorrow, now attempting to take Cozy.

Templars SWAT

Templars War Declaration Post

Club Penguin Armies reached out to both armies’ leaders to learn more about their perspectives on the ongoing conflict.

What [do you think] were your [the] reasons for declaring war on SWAT?

Fun X Time, SWAT Leader: Templars declared war because the Dark Pirates asked for it, duh. Ninja Leader claims that he does not know how to initiate a war and how to write a war post, so I legitimately guess he approached the Templars for the war. It is still quite funny to see a major army declaring war on a smaller army, considering the bruises it will leave on the Templars’ ego.

Sidie9, TCP Leader: SWAT are historical enemies of ours, and they decided to attack our Dark Pirates allies. We also needed more land with the map ceasefire ending, so it worked out well for us.

What do you think are the chances of you winning? 

Fun X Time, SWAT Leader: SWAT does not need to win a war against a major army that spams events from a timezone division SWAT does not excel at, yet. We have set June 2024 to fuel our troops with rejuvenation, so we will not waste time against an army Sidie9 runs. “The summer is for you to improve, not disprove.”

Sidie9, TCP Leader: Obviously you can never count SWAT out considering sizes in past years, but I don’t think there’ll be much to expect from their corpse of an army.

Do you think that this declaration might be considered by most as a cowardly move since it’s against an S/M?

Sidie9, TCP Leader: They are our historical enemy, and we have done this to come to our ally’s aid. I never considered it cowardly, and I don’t think it’s “considered by most” as a cowardly move either. Your question reeks of bias.

Would fighting a war against a major army as an S/M affect your army negatively?

Fun X Time, SWAT Leader: Certainly not. Major armies do not quite gain value by defeating a Small/Medium army, and the Templars cannot adversely affect SWAT, because there are some armies that SWAT can easily defeat with a sweep. One thing one must remember, since I entered SWAT’s leadership, we have been at war with majors and have kept motivation preserved very well; while disloyal have been filtered out of the army.

It seems that there is a considerable amount of bad blood between the two armies. This conflict may be far from over. However, it is unlikely that the Agents are willing to show up to invasions and put up resistance against their invaders. Do you think SWAT will exceed the expectations of the community? Or will the Templars keep easily gathering more land?

Toxic Storm
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2 Responses

  1. Elsa June 15, 2024 (7:59 pm)

    If SWAT messes with DPC, the Crusaders will beat them up. I have foreseen it.

  2. […] this time with a map and land at stake. They were too slow, as the Templars had already declared a solo war against Special Weapons and […]

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