Behind The Scenes: Link3000

Welcome back to Behind The Scenes, the column where we delve into the day-to-day life of a community member. In this edition, we will explore the life of Link3000, who currently serves as a Top Ten Committee Head.

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Link3000 was playing Club Penguin Rewritten during the pandemic when they stumbled upon Woogs who asked them to join the Rebel Penguin Federation. Eager to find a community where they could connect with others, Link joined RPF on June 6th, 2020. Link quickly fell in love with the army and its community, attending many events and earning Troop of the Week.

Link Earning Troop of the Week

Over the years, they slowly rose through the ranks, making lots of friends along the way. Link worked hard, becoming third-in-command in February 2021 and second-in-command in August. Through further dedication, they eventually became Rebel Commander during the army’s 15th anniversary.

Link at a Recent RPF Event

Alongside leading the Rebel Penguin Federation, Link also works hard as a Top Ten Committee Head for Club Penguin Armies, previously having the same role in Club Penguin Army Network. Moreover, Link spends a lot of time working, leaving little free time in their busy schedule. They have had to manage their time well to uphold their responsibilities in CPA, RPF, and real life.

One of Link’s Favourite Memories of 2024

How do they manage so many different responsibilities at the same time? Eager to know more about their life, Club Penguin Armies interviewed Link to find out who they are behind the scenes.


What hobbies do you have outside of Club Penguin Armies?

With my time limitation, I mostly just play overwatch or minecraft or read about geography. I love music as well, love playing the piano and guitar but I don’t have either with me at the moment

How did you decide upon the name Link3000?

I’ve always loved the legend of zelda games and I’ve always loved link as a character. The 3000 is from Iron Man’s “I love you 3000”.

How do you manage leading an army, being a head of the top ten committee, and irl requirements at the same time?

It’s definitely challenging. With how much I work, it doesn’t leave me with much free time, so I mostly do a lot of behind the scenes stuff. I’d like to be able to chat more but alas. It’s all about maintaining a schedule really. I know how much time and when I can dedicate to RPF post work and when I’m dedicating to overall relaxing. I also make sure not to spread myself too thin with tasks/teams within CPA or RPF. There’s more thins I’d like to be doing but I know I wouldn’t be able to dedicate the right amount of time or energy.
Top Ten actually works very good with my schedule, since most of the work is done Saturday evening and Sunday morning for me, which when I’m not working. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed in the team for so long, other than simply enjoying it as well lmao.

What has been your favourite part of this year so far?

My favourite part this year was probably the 17th anniversary week and the Winter Olympics. Both were so fun to plan and participate in.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Well I’ll most likely be retired lmao but I hope to still be around if my friends are. Hopefully I would have advanced further in my career IRL as well and will continue advancing


It seems that Link has a very busy life, but they always make time for their army and for the community they love. We at Club Penguin Armies wish Link the best of luck in their future career and army endeavours. What do you think Link will accomplish? Would you be able to manage working, leading an army, and being a Top Ten Committee Head at the same time?


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