Totinhos For Change: Elite Guardians Host Fundraiser

The affectionate spirit of fundraising within armies has evolved into a commitment, fostering collective effort within the army community for noble causes once again. With Totinhos as a resource, watch the Elite Guardians excel at this value.

Recently, the state of Rio Grande do Sul was riddled with heavy rainfall, storms, and floods. Faced with this catastrophe, on May 8, 2024, the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin officially launched the Totinhos for Change campaign. This fundraiser aims to provide monetary support to humanitarian aid institutions in the region. For every 1 penguin online at an event, the Guardians would increment R$ 5 to the fund. This cost is expected to support over 200,000 people suffering from calamities in the region while improving the army’s performance.

EGCP Founder Edu14463 announcing the fundraising campaign

The army community has a history of demonstrating empathy through various initiatives. For instance, in November 2021, the Ice Warriors organized a fundraiser for #TeamSeas, aiming to clean up ocean trash. The organization arranged it so that every troop logging on would prompt a donation of one dollar to the #Teamseas project as part of the initiative.

Simultaneously, the Rebel Penguin Federation launched Rebel Cash for Change in December 2021. This initiative enabled volunteers to donate to wildlife, medicine, and infrastructure, with the highest total rebel cash donations being converted into real money for donation. Individuals could allocate their contributions to specific causes or distribute them evenly.

Building on the community’s spirit of compassion and activism, Help Force upheld its commitment to social responsibility in December 2022 with Sapphires for Change. This initiative transformed virtual Sapphires into tangible donations while also supporting various causes, including providing meals to schoolchildren in South Sudan, assisting drought-affected families in the Horn of Africa, and contributing to Wikipedia’s mission.

Inspired by the Helper’s dedication, the Army of Club Penguin followed suit in January of this year by organizing a fundraiser called the Clover Charity Fundraiser. For every person logged on, the Clovers pledged to donate $2 to the ‘Every Child Educated’ charity, an initiative by UNICEF.

Donating to charity is a recurring practice for the Guardians, as demonstrated by their initiative during the Christmas Chaos final and semi-final in 2023. The Guardians organized Totinhos for Change, pledging to donate R$2 for every penguin online during these events. Following this, the army facilitated a poll among their members to determine the preferred charity. Ultimately, the members chose to support a healthcare institution.

Club Penguin Armies approached EGCP founder and Army Legend, Edu14463 to explore the campaign. We also reached out to EGCP leaders, Lassarote and Fitsuki to acknowledge their thoughts.

What inspired you to organize the Totinhos For Change campaign?

Edu14463: Totinhos for Change is inspired in the yearly campaign held by Club Penguin called “Coins for Change”; we just replaced coins for totinhos, which is our currency in EGCP. Right now, Rio Grande do Sul, a state from the South of Brazil, is facing a dramatic crisis, with more than 70% of the state being affected by the huge floods and thunderstorms. More than 300,000 people are homeless, several animals are lost, many people are already dead. This tragedy made us all very upset and we felt we needed to do something as an army – most importantly as human beings – to help these people in need.

What magnitude of outcome do you expect from this campaign?

Edu14463: We managed to raise R$ 300,00 for donations thanks to our loyal troops. The leadership will also provide more donations on their own accord. We realize this is not a big amount compared to the severity of this tragedy. However, we did what we could as an army.

Do you have plans to organize similar fundraisers in the future?

Edu14463: This is the second time we hold a Totinhos for Change. The first time was on Christmas Chaos XIII, in which we converted our maxes on the semifinals and finals as funds for donations to health institutions. Now, we are aiming to help our fellow Brazilians in Rio Grande do Sul. As for the future, we do indeed plan to host more campaigns if there is an important cause in which we can assist with.

How much motivation do you feel the campaign has won from its supporters?

Edu14463: I feel this campaign was important for the troops because they feel like they are participating in helping the state. Moreover, we are showing that, as a community, we can do amazing things to help people in need. I do feel the supporters learned a little bit more about being human and empathetic.

Do you have additional comments regarding the campaign? If so, what are they?

Edu14463: Many people during tragedies dare say: “Where is God?”. Well, I say: “He is here”. God is here with people like us who feel that deep urge to help those people in need. God is with those 35+ people who joined our fundraising campaign to assist Rio Grande do Sul. God is with the countless individuals around the world sending donations to the state. We, alongside all donators, are acting as the hands of God to reach the affected by that calamity. Christ is with them, Christ is with us, Christ may be with everyone. A Club Penguin army is more than just formations and tactics.

 What are your thoughts on this campaign? How do you feel working morally on a noble cause?

Lassarote: My thoughts are simple. We are using our army’s willpower to do a good deed and change the world around us, to show that we are more than just a club penguin group, we are also a force that is able to transform peoples lives. Moreso, the thought of helping not only our own country, but also some of our troops, is amazing.

The Elite Guardians of Club Penguin wish all the best to the people of the Rio Grande do Sul state that are struggling with the floods. And we showed our best wishes with our co-operation alongside our allies, the Winged Hussars, that also wanted to help in our cause. For me, this feeling is just the best, because it showed that we were not alone in this noble mission.

Fitsuki: Rio Grande do Sul, one of the largest states in Brazil, has almost all its cities covered in water from rain and floods. It is one of the biggest tragedies in our country. We, as representatives of Brazil in the community, saw the need to do something to help. Unfortunately, we don’t have the power to help as much as we want, but we are doing what we can, such as announcing to our members how they can help with donations and running the Totinhos for Change campaign. I feel that doing this is our duty.

The team spearheading this campaign exudes a strong confidence in their mission. Their leaders display remarkable solidarity and unwavering determination to support those in need, both within the army community and beyond. As Fitsuki mentioned, the Guardians see it as their duty to help those in need as much as they could. This reaffirms the enduring values of compassion and solidarity that define the Guardians. Undoubtedly, the Guardians will leave a lasting impact on the affected population. How might the Guardians’ commitment to helping others inspire similar actions within others in the community? Which charity or cause do you hope your own army will support in the future, inspired by initiatives like the one led by the Guardians?

Fun X Time

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Hi! I am Fun X Time, formerly and popularly known as Krill 300, or simply Krill. I am currently serving as a Commander-in-Chief at the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) since November 2023. I have been in armies since February 2020. I am interested in computer science, programming, physics, chemistry, and biology. What about you?

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