Club Penguin armies continue to thrive after the closure of the original game of Club Penguin. Club Penguin Journey has become an integral part of supporting this act. Let us get an insight into the community’s increased investment in this similar realm.

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Club Penguin Journey is a Club Penguin private server (CPPS) that has not just been a recreation for ordinary players to enjoy, but also for armies to continue to thrive on. Armies have found this game as a utility and maneuver to recruit. The game was founded by Amman and Hexeption on December 13th, 2022. We have also interviewed Amman in the past to explore more about the game. At the time of our last interview, the game was not even a year old. Despite this, there were questions about the game’s usability for armies as some decided to venture onto it.
In recent months, many armies have been taking advantage of this trending game. One of the armies which recently became known for using the game is the People’s Imperial Confederation. Last month, the Confederation organized Sweater‘s retirement event on Club Penguin Journey, giving him a big sendoff. They have not been the only army to utilise it either, as many have explored the game’s features and suitability for armies. CPJ has often been compared with CP Rewritten because it has been growing steadily and allows armies to expand on its platform. Therefore, armies can gain new members through the game. Alongside this, troops continue to show interest in competing in minigames such as the Sled Race or the Card-Jitsu.

The Help Force at a recent Sled Race event conducted on Club Penguin Journey.
The utility of the game in the army community was pioneered by the People’s Imperial Confederation, Rebel Penguin Federation, Army of Club Penguin and Help Force. Out of four, the Rebels were assumedly one of the first armies to use the game, hosting an event in September 2023. These were not the only armies to explore it. However, their presence in the game led others to use it regularly/semi-regularly. The Rebels first used it for a normal event, however, it soon became a part of their annual Olympics. It allowed them to host games that CPAB does not support, such as Card-Jitsu. Following the Rebels’ exploration, ACP went on to explore the game in mid-September, followed by both the Helpers and the Confederation in early October.
The Helpers are synonymous with stamp events within the community. CPJ allowed them to return to their roots to host these once more, on a new platform with much more stamps to seek. While all this was going on, armies like PIC and the Army of Club Penguin frequently posted guides for CPJ pins, secrets and more. This was a throwback for many as it allowed armies to introduce CPJ players to the community via guides, something which was done when Club Penguin was around.
The People’s Imperial Confederation changed the game for armies when they upgraded to the Major Army status. They were able to obtain major status by using CPJ as a platform to increase their sizes. For them, the hope was to be able to get those who discovered their army on CPJ, to play with them on CPAB. This would allow them to boost their maxes on both platforms. However, they soon lost major status, three weeks later.

PIC during a CPJ event
Penguins waddling around the island who do not know about armies are often intrigued by them. As armies continue to draw attention and bring in recruits, the army community seems to become wider. Many members of the community have criticized this game, however. From the perspective of some, Club Penguin Journey is being used as a maneuver to receive support from rogues. We recently published an editorial to discuss this perspective in detail. Yet, despite this, people’s opinions on rogues and CPPS’ vary. With that being said, there’s been a big amount of support for CPJ that has only increased over time.
The game serves as a supplementary choice. If Club Penguin Army Battleground, the primary battleground for armies, shuts down or is not available for some time, Club Penguin Journey may be resourceful to armies in helping retain their consistency. Unlike some other CPPS’ it does not require people to download it, much like CPAB. It is safe to use and has a great team of developers.
Club Penguin Armies approached Club Penguin Journey developer Drop to hear what he thinks about the increased investment of armies in the game.
How is Club Penguin Journey supporting the army community?
Club Penguin Journey wants to be the ultimate celebration of Club Penguin. From the content updates we bring, to the way we nurture our community, we’ve been there to make sure that every one of us can join the island and be a part of it. And Club Penguin Armies should be a part of this celebration. Armies have been part of the urban culture of Club Penguin since their creation back in the first year of the original game. And since then, you have evolved, adapted and contributed to the game and community with a new and creative way to play the game. With that in mind, we are honored to have armies be a part of our project by having them host their own events and share moments like in the good old days. Club Penguin Journey wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t embrace everything that made the original game be what it was, it would just ruin the charm. How could we ignore iconic elements like CPMVs, the YouTube Videos, the Walkthrough Blogposts, or even the eventual groups like Pookies or Yellow Tubas? Even if these are just fan creations, it’s still Club Penguin. And it deserves to be celebrated with us.
Is army participation in Club Penguin Journey benefitting the game?
It has been and it still is! I still remember when the first armies like PIC, ACP and RPF (to name a few) reached out to us about army events, something that we had to discuss and come across a planning for them to happen. Although we are a well-known place to revisit Club Penguin, we don’t offer the same experience as CPAB, mostly due to how we handle moderation and our community. But once we came down with our rules and organization, we’ve been accepting armies into Club Penguin Journey and their events have created amazing and fun moments. Besides our Community Events, these Army Events are the only scenarios where you can usually see penguins in a group gather around to do something funny like mop the floor in a room or chant a funny message while sending toot emoticons. And with the army efforts of following our rules when it comes to what they can do, they have been attracting army outsiders into their own events, which is amazing to see happening! Not to mention the videos and guides or even the Discord Channels that armies have created to teach army users how to join Club Penguin Journey. Overall, the armies that have been collaborating with us have offered so many ways to promote our island and we can’t thank them enough for doing so. What once was a mere permission to host an event or two, became a partnership that is making both Journey and Armies become more united and welcoming to something we all share: our love towards Club Penguin.
Do you have an additional statement about this? If so, what is it?
I would like to thank every Army that has worked with us for their collaboration and understanding. I understand how different Army Events are outside of Journey, or how Army Battles are not allowed with us, or even how limited the usage of tactics can be. But there is a huge responsibility in our side to make our community be safe from any non-family friendly content, messages or ideas. The environment is different, and even so the Armies that wished to join us still agreed to follow those rules. They have protected and shared the same feeling of keeping Club Penguin Journey safe and wholesome by following the house rules. It takes a lot of reorganization and effort to make sure that every member of the army is on the same line and I can’t thank every Army for that.
In conclusion, it appears that Club Penguin Journey has become valuable for armies. They seem to propel a society with a different view of the game. With a growing community, it seems like CPJ’s popularity will only increase from here. What is your opinion on the increased investment of armies in Club Penguin Journey? Do you think all armies should migrate onto CPJourney? Should battles be held on the CPPS?
Yes they should!
[…] towards a possible bright future for the army community itself, as many armies saw considerable growth via rogue events in the […]